26 Vintage Toy Clipart
Today we have a splendid collection of Vintage Toy Clipart pictures! There’s something so charming about Antique toys don’t you think? Early toys were created from wood, metal, porcelain etc. They were made to last, and were held onto for many years and often passed down to the next generation even. My grandmother gave me several of her Dolls and her Toy Cast Iron Stove as well, and I still have all of them today. A far cry from the plastic toys of modern times, which are usually discarded pretty quickly. Anyway, I hope you have fun browsing through these, I thought some of them might work well in your Christmas Decor or Holiday Craft Projects!
Vintage Sled Clipart
These are some marvelous Wooden Sled Images! Scanned from a very rare printer’s book is a set of two sleds. There’s no date in the book, but my best guess would be that it’s from around the 1880’s. Anyway, this pair of wonderful sleds are made of wood with metal rails on the bottom. Each sled has a painting (or perhaps it’s pyrography?) of an Animal on it. One has a Deer and the other has a Horse on it. How splendid! Wouldn’t you love to have a real one of these sleds to decorate your home for the Holidays with?!
This is another splendid Vintage Sled Image! This one was scanned from a rare printer’s book that I own, there’s no date in the book, but my best guess would be that it’s from around the 1880’s. This wonderful sled is made of wood with bentwood rails. The image shows the top view of a fancy looking sled.
And this image shows the bottom of that same sled. You can see how beautifully constructed it is!
Vintage Transportation Toy Clipart
This is a sweet little Vintage Toy clipart of a child’s tricycled! It has a darling little bell on the front of it and the seat looks like it has the word Buddie on it.
This is an Adorable Vintage Tricycle Image! This illustration was scanned from an old Catalog, I couldn’t find a date, but there are lots of Flapper ladies in it, so I’m going to guess it’s from the 1920’s. Such a nostalgic Child’s Toy, I love the springy looking seat!
Next we have a fun vintage scooter. No electricity for this one, it was all foot power back when these were made!
And then we this darling transportation toy. It’s a very cute old Pedal Car Image! Lots of folks love to collect the real ones, they can go quite high at auction.
Old Fashioned Pull Toy Pictures
Antique Toy Bank Clipart
Victorian Toy Block Graphics
Vintage Doll Clipart
This is a cute Vintage Doll Image! This one was scanned from a Circa 1920’s Vintage Party Supply Catalog. Featured here is a cute black and white illustration of a Girl Doll. The doll has blonde curly hair and black patent leather shoes!
Vintage Doll Head Clip Art
Here’s a quirky little piece! It’s a Victorian Scrap doll’s head image. This one shows a baby with a bald head. I have to admit I’m partial to baldheaded babies as both my children were born bald. Haha!
And here’s another Baby Doll Head Image. This one is also very sweet with her, or his, curly blond hair.
Antique Baseball Toys Images
And speaking of quirky!! This one is a Rare Antique Baseball Toy Image. So quirky and fun… and maybe a little odd too! It looks like one of those games that you see at Carnivals. I would imagine that it was made of wood. The balls would have been thrown into the holes all around the Baseball guy, including into his mouth! This was scanned from a rare Antique Printer’s book that dates to around Circa 1880’s. I think it would be so fun to blow this image up, create a wood cut out and decoupage it to the front of it, to make your own old time Carnival Baseball Game! Could be a fun thing to have at Family, Church or School events or fundraisers! Or make a fun sign for a Man Cave!
Next we have 5 simple looking Baseball Clipart pictures all in a row. They could be used to make a nice border on a sports themed project.
Vintage Toy Clip Art – Bible Themed
Vintage Misfit Toys Card
Here is a Vintage Misfit Toys Image! Isn’t it darling?! This Antique Card shows a tattered little Doll with her arm broken next to an adorable Lamb on Wheels. The card has a hand written Christmas Greeting on it from long ago. Such a nostalgic piece!
I hope you enjoyed this fun curated collection of Vintage Toy Clipart!! You might also like the Over 350 Images in our Objects Archives HERE or the Over 1200 Images in our Black and White Clipart Archives HERE!
Patricia Jan Ruland says
Do you have any vintage images depicting Christmas as celebrated by families of color?
Karen Watson says
Hi Patricia, Unfortunately I have never come across such an image, or at least not any that are illustrated in a tasteful manner. So many of those old images depict people of different ethnicities in a horrific manner. And most images later than the 1920’s would still be under copyright and could not be posted here, for legal reasons. I wish I had better news for you. 😥
Diana says
What fun toy these must have been.
Dana says
WOW! These are absolutely amazing!
Thank you again, Karen!
Pat C. says
What amazing graphics… so crisp and detailed! Thank you, Karen! xoxo
Angela says
Fabulous, thank you
Tanya Felsheim says
I rarely leave a comment but this time just have to..I should give you more credit than I do…but these pictures just captured me today! thank you so much for all you do! I found a very old book with very old handdrawn images of antiques that I hope to share back like you have been sharing forward!
Cynthia says
I love this illustration! Thank you!
Ursula Rosien says
Hi! I used one of your fabulous images for my xmas tags 😉
love your site and generosity!