15 Pierrot Clown
Today we have a wonderful collection of Pierrot Clown Images! These clowns originated in the late seventeenth century in Paris, and performed pantomime and comedy along with other talents like juggling and dance. Many of the clowns are wearing funny cone shaped hats, and there is quite a variety of colorful costumes! Most of the clowns are smiling and appear to be jovial characters! The post card images include some that are specifically made as Valentine Cards and others like Advertising Cards that can also be used for Valentine’s Day. We even have a three of clubs playing card with clown. I hope you have enough time to use them in your Valentine’s projects! These would make cute Gift Tags or Journaling cards! Fun for Mardi Gras projects too!
Old Pierrot Clown Images
Featured here is a young girl wearing a Pierrot costume. Her costume is covered in hearts, including her cone shaped hat. Even her shoes are heart shaped! This would be nice to send someone your love.Pictured above is a sweet vintage postcard!! This one is an antique Valentine’s Day card with a darling little clown girl on it! She would make a cute card or gift tag!
I adore this darling Vintage Valentine’s Day postcard. It is one of my favorites for sure. I just think these two little Clown children are so cute and the little Dog pull toy is adorable!
Here we have a fabulous Vintage Pierrot Clown Image! This is a fun old Advertising Card! The card shows a Man dressed in a Pierrot Clown costume with Red Pom-poms on it! He’s juggling three red balls while standing on a golden crescent Moon! I love the colors on this one! There is a small blank portion near the bottom of the card that’s the perfect spot to add a bit of text.
I have a thing for Pierrot Clowns and it’s difficult to find any good ones, so I’m truly pleased to have this little guy! He’s a sweet Pierrot Boy wearing the classic Cone shaped Hat and red Pom Poms on the front of his suit.
Click HERE for the Full Size Printable PDF of Page 1 of the Clown Lady Doll
Click HERE for the Full Size Printable PDF of Page 2 of the Clown Lady Doll
I was so fortunate to find this wonderful antique card deck. The card shown here was one of my favorites. This one features a fabulous Pierrot type clown on the three of Clubs.
Vintage Pierrot Clown Advertising Cards

This one isn’t really Valentine’s Day per say, but I thought these pretty children would work well in your Valentine projects! He’s dressed up like a Pierrot Clown and she looks like a tiny Marie Antoinette in the cute costumes. So sweet!
Above is a fun old advertising card showing a cute little couple wearing Costumes! Dressed like a classy Pierrot Clown, the boy is looking quite dapper, and the girl is wearing darling Top Hat!
This is a fun Antique Image from an Old Advertising Card! Used as an advertisement for an Organ company in Ohio, the picture on the card shows a cute young lady wearing a Pierrot Clown type Costume, complete with the cone shaped hat and Pom Pom embellishments. She’s holding a mask in her hand, so perhaps she is preparing to attend a Masquerade Ball!
Seen here is a cute antique Advertising Trade Card for Costume Restoration. I guess they didn’t have spell check back then huh?!! Anyway, I really liked this image of a woman in a Blue Pierrot Costume; she even has a fan!
Here’s a sweet little French Advertising card! This one shows a cute Pierrot Clown boy kissing a girl dressed in a Kimono.
Black and White Pierrot Clown Pictures

This is a darling Antique Photo Postcard showing four sweet Children in Pierrot Clown Costumes! I love those pointy hats!!
I hope you enjoyed this fun curated collection of Pierrot Clown Images! You might also like the over 150 Images in our Costumes Archives HERE or the over 50 Images in our Circus Archives HERE!
Irene says
Hi Karen,
Some of these are really different! I love the colourful outfits and the Vintage children with the doll pull toy is so darn cute! That red colour is truly a clown colour – I love it. One has two different coloured shoes too… so sweet! But all of their clown suits are so different and unique — from rounded collars to heart shaped collars, bows and balls — so different!! Once again, you have been able to find a sepia image — their attire is more formal with the flowers. I wonder what they were looking at. All of their expressions are so intense and concentrated. But what a great set of images you have been so kind to find for us!! These are the kinds of clowns nobody should be afraid of — they are too beautiful!!
Thanks so much for sharing these with us!!
graphicsfairy says
Oh you are so right Irene! How could anyone be afraid of these clowns 🙂
Chicago Dreamer says
Thanks so much for all you do. Love these
graphicsfairy says
You are so sweet, I feel silly calling you Chicago Dreamer, but appreciate the kind words 🙂 Have a wonderful weekend!
JustTam says
I love this graphic and I don’t know why. I love it so much I used it when I created a label for our homemade Limoncello which we are giving as Christmas gifts this year. Take a look! I hope you like it. I’ve also listed you on my blogroll. I really enjoy this blog! Thanks!
shirley says
thank you for sharing that is a nice thing to do. I love your collection.
Karen- The Graphics Fairy says
I’m not sure what your message means. What is arches?
lilibulle says
this Pierrt is so funy!! are you ok Karen?? i’d posted you a message on ICan’t get … we miss you on arches!!! are you find??
xashee's corner says
as soon as my DH saw this old photo he said ‘Hey, that’s Enrico Caruso!’ (shrugs shoulders) 🙂 Thank you so much for sharing! Have a FANTASTIC day!
Libby Murphy says
wow, look at those shoes! couldn’t help but smile when I saw your photo
happy twirls
ClassyChassy says
Cool, in a weird sort of way!