How to Easily Remove Wrinkles from Ikea Slipcovers

Recently I picked up a new Slipcover for my Ikea Ektorp Sofa. I know I’m not the only one that has this sofa, since I’ve seen it many times all over blogland and Pinterest too. The sofa is well priced, goes with everything, can be changed out easily with different color slipcovers or pillows, and is partially filled with down, which makes it comfy! So no wonder that it’s so popular.
The only thing that I don’t like about it, is that the slipcovers are super wrinkly when you get them, and equally as wrinkled when you wash them. However, there is an easy way to get the wrinkles out and it does not involve ironing!! Yay! It’s also much faster than ironing too and you don’t need a steamer or special equipment.
All you need is a spray bottle filled with hot water from your tap….
and your hands!
Just spray the clean hot tap water onto the wrinkles…
and then smooth out with your hands. That’s it! Soooo easy and it goes really fast!
So much better don’t you think?!
Here’s the back before …
…and after. You can see that the slipcover is actually a little bit longer too, which is especially nice if you’ve had any shrinking during the wash. I hope you found this tip helpful! I have ironed these in the past and it took for ever, so this was a huge time saver for me and I hope it will be for you too.
P.S. Keep in mind that I have the Cotton Slipcovers. I believe this also comes in a Linen cover, I would not recommend using this tip on the Linen version.
Chandler says
doesn’t this cause mildew?? I would love to hear from people who have tried this over time rather than just thinking it a good idea or spraying w/out the covers being on the sofa. Thanks! Chandler.
graphicsfairy says
No, as you are not saturating the fabric, just a light spritz which dries super quick and spreading out the wrinkles with your hands helps to remove the moisture as well. I hope this helps 🙂
Jeanne says
This works on bedsheets, as well.
Karen Watson says
Cool! I hadn’t even though of that! Thanks Jeanne, great tip!
Suzanne says
Oh golly! I was procrastinating cause I couldn’t believe it! I first tried this on my new Jenny Lund Ektorp Stenasa color (white) chairs. This works like a dream. Well, then I had my new sofa cover – same color, but was a much thicker fabric (looks like yours). This was so easy and works beautifully. I had been considering a chemical wrinkle releaser product, renting a steamer, using the steamer I bought from Bed, B & B (got questionable reviews – returning now), taking it to the drycleaner to have them steam them….
Didn’t have to do any of that. I am 65 and my sometimes sore hands managed this quite well. Don’t be afraid to spray heavy – it seems to work better. I am letting them dry out now before I put the sofa cushions on. This method even works on the pleated corners. Spray your water, and then take one hand and pull slightly down on the skirt while smoothing with the other hand. I then noticed some wrinkles on my table cloth where my husband had been spraying/smoothing the cushions. I tried spraying the wrinkles lightly and they disappeared. I didn’t have to put it in the dryer with a wet towel.
Thank you!!!!!! for this tip!!!!!! Sending a hug!!!!
Karen Watson says
Yay!! You’re welcome Suzanne! It is almost like magic, isn’t it?!
Norm Duffy CD says
We often shop at ikea,pronounced (ickia) and have bought quite a few different objects there.In order to shop there we have to travel quite a distance!Our kitchen Cabinets are from there and there was a considerable savings over custom ones.It would have been great to have Ikea when we were starting out as a young married couple,so take advantage and don’t be afraid to think outside of the box!!
Nancy @ Artsy Chicks Rule says
I have had my eye on that couch for awhile!! I LOVE it…I have leather furniture and I am so tired of that look!! 😉 And wow, what an amazingly simple trick! Thanks for sharing Karen…I’m going to try this on the slipcovered loveseat I have in my bedroom (that has been wrinkled since I put it on last year!lol)
Phoebe Marie Parr says
Not seeing where it has down in cushions but I will take your word for it about the comfort. Thanks so much for the tip!! Love your blog and it’s randomness, keeps it so interesting
Wilma Voermans says
Super tip and so easy…TFS!
Monique says
Thank you:-)
I have 2..loveseats..and an extra slip for each..white both times..great tip:-)
I still love them..never tire of them at all:-)
Karen Watson says
Thank you everyone! I’m so glad you found this tip useful! It should save you hours of ironing time, maybe you can use that time to make some crafts instead, which is way more fun than ironing!
Joyce says
Just popping in to add to the comments here….that is a good tip – I am hoping to change to this sofa so will bear it in mind….how about putting the almost dry covers on the sofa and ironing then?
Karen Watson says
Hi Joyce, I think this is way easier than using an iron on the sofa! It’s really easy… no heat, no worrying about burning yourself or scorching the fabric, no cord to worry about and your hands are much more light weight! Give it a try, I bet you will be pleased with this method!
Marto says
I’m wondering how long it takes for the dampened covers to dry after you’ve wet them down?
graphicsfairy says
Hi Marto,
It takes an hour or two, a ceiling fan helps 🙂
BaJill says
Thanks, Karen!!! Great information. I am curious why you would not use the hot water spray on linen? Will it shrink linen? You are so kind to share this tip!
Karen Watson says
I don’t have the linen one so I can’t test it out, so I don’t want to be responsible for ruining the linen if it doesn’t work out. I’m not sure that the Linen one is washable, so it would be kind of risky and could get damaged.
Christine ALLEMANDOU says
Dear Karen,
Thank you so much for this tip. I have three of those sofas in my living room, white of course, and I have two lovely grand children, a boy (41/2) and a girl (21/2), who love so much my sofas! It’s really a wonderful tip for me.
Hugs from France
Anne says
Bonjour Karen,
That’s so great ! I have one Ektorp sofa and three armchairs, all in white.
Yesterday, I spent hours to iron one and when you put the freshly cover on, you get new wrinkles !! Thank you so much,
Merci merci beaucoup for this tip.
Hope you understand my English !
Nancy LeB says
thanks for that tip – I always put mine back on while it is still damp and has less wrinkles but this will help 🙂
Sandi ~ A Cottage Muse says
Picking up two slipcovers from Ikea is on my list for next week…thanks for the tip!!
Susan says
I bought a Sure-fit cover for my sofa and followed an on-line tip for getting the wrinkles out, which was to wash it and put it in the dryer. Well, this didn’t work at all. I will have to try your method. It surely can’t hurt! Thanks!
Linda Weeks says
I’ve always wanted this sofa, with these slipcovers, and now, if I ever get flush enough to buy it, I’ll know how to take out the wrinkles! Thanks, not only did you do a good thing for your living room, you were kind enough to share it!