2 Elf on the Shelf Clipart
Here he is… it’s a Vintage Elf on the Shelf Clipart Picture! I was so excited to find this Vintage Christmas Image in an old Coloring Book! Did you incorporate the Elf on a Shelf fun-ness into your family holiday tradition? Such a fun thing to do! Although I have one friend who’s son was absolutely petrified or our little friend when he was younger. Just the site of him would make him cry! Hopefully that doesn’t happen to most children. We had the doll version of this guy at our house back in the 60s or early 70s. I guess he would be quite collectible now a days. Anyway, I’ve created a Color Version of this little guy as well as offering the Black and White Original. You can use this graphic for your Holiday Card Projects, Scrapbook Pages, or whatever you like! The black and white version can be colored in, fun for the kids, or you could make a Photoshop Brush with it.
Here’s our first Elf on a Shelf Clipart. This is the one that I colored in. He’s wearing a Green Shirt with matching green shoes. His pants and hat are red and he has on a brown belt. It cracks me up that he is actually sitting on a shelf, because I don’t think that was a thing back when this coloring book was published. Or maybe it was and I just didn’t know about it. So cute!
And here we have the original black and white image. You can grab your markers or crayons and color this guy in however you like! Maybe even add some glitter or other embellishments.
And just in case you don’t know about this tradition, here’s a quick explanation. The idea is that Santa leaves an elf near your house to watch over you and report back to him, but when the elves get bored or naughty, they go exploring. They also may be trying to find themselves a new home for next year’s holiday season! It’s really fun to see some of the creative hiding places that some people find for their elves in and around their homes. Some people have a really clever take on this idea that can be quite hilarious!
I hope you enjoyed this cute collection of Vintage Elf on the Shelf Clipart Pictures. You might like to also check out our Christmas Elves Image Collection HERE.
Correen says
Perfect for my Christmas in July project
Thanks for sharing!
Deb Ochs-LaGrone says
I missed the elf on a shelf thing too but this is so cute! Thanks for sharing.
Ashley P. says
I love this! I got on the craze last Christmas with my two little ones. We loved it. Once again, thank you so much for sharing.
Ashley P.
ScrappyMama says
I think I must’ve missed the whole Elf on a Shelf thing you mentioned, but I LOVE this guy ’cause he reminds me of the elves (with the really long skinny legs) that we had when I was a kid…Thanks!!
MeinLilaPark says
What a cutie! I love this elf ♥ Thank you so much for sharing!!