French Farmhouse Junk Journal
Hey, everyone! Sam Poole of Sam Poole Designs, one of our amazing NEW Junk Journal Design Team Members, created a fabulous French Farmhouse Ephemera Junk Journal for us this week. As you know, we feature one new Junk Journal project each week created by one of our creative team of artists. Our Design Team Members select from the 100’s of Vintage Image Bundles on our Premium Membership Site, for their creations, in order to show you beautiful ways to use those images. We hope you will be totally inspired by this series!
Therefore, please make sure you check out the video tour at the bottom of the page…please scroll all the way down to see it. Are you ready to be inspired? I will step out of the way and let Sam introduce herself, and tell you all about her lovely project…
Hello Everyone! My name is Sam Poole and I am so excited to share with you my very first Graphics Fairy design team project. I have been a huge fan of the Graphics Fairy for many years and I am honored to work alongside such creative women.
My journal is inspired by my love of all things French and my dream to live there one day. I have always wanted to live in a rural area of France in a gorgeous old farmhouse. So let me set the scene for you of my dream home….Surrounded by fields and apple orchards my rustic farmhouse has many swallows flying around in the glorious warm sun. The garden to the back of the house has lots of fresh vegetables and wild flowers growing, with bees humming in the background from the many beehives. There are many animals on the farm, from horses to cows, geese and chickens. Life is simple and beautiful.
The base of the journal has been made using some vintage French music cards. These make a great base for journal covers as they are a thick sturdy cardboard. The covers are held together using a piece of vintage linen and lace to form the spine of the journal.
I was very inspired by the ‘Spring Meadows End Papers’ bundle for my journal. The colors and patterns really remind me of an old French farmhouse. They look like some original wallpapers which may have decorated the inside of the farmhouse. I used many of these papers throughout my journal and they really set the color palette for the journal.
I added many French fabrics and linens from my personal stash to add that rustic feel to my journal. I also added some feathers amongst some of the pages as I imagine there being lots of feathers laying around in the farmhouse garden.

Let’s take a tour of it together:
Graphics Fairy Premium Membership bundles and images used:
- Spring Meadows Endpapers
- French Paperie
- Roses & Bee’s
- Ephemera Collection
- Barn Swallows & Birthdays
- Secret Life of Flowers
- Bee Keeping
- Farmhouse Style
- Fresh Herbs
- Cows & Dairy
- Antique Titles Pages
- Vintage Garden
- Tropical Finches
- French Attic
- Vintage Postcards
- French Floral Engravings
- Farmers Market
I really hope you enjoy visiting my French Farmhouse. I have really enjoyed putting this journal together.
Check out the Graphics Fairy Premium Membership Site HERE!
PinkPaperGaga says
Simply stunning!!
graphicsfairy says
Thank you , happy new year!
June Matson says
Lovely Journal thank you for sharing, I hope your dreams come true.
graphicsfairy says
Thanks so much June! Happy new year 🙂
Cheri says
Really lovely journal!
graphicsfairy says
Thanks so much Cheri, so glad you enjoyed it!