7 Vintage Corset Images
Today we have a fun collection of Vintage Corset Images! Aren’t you glad that we no longer have to wear these torturous undergarments? They are cute, but they do not look like they would be comfortable to wear! Most of the images below are Black and White Corset Graphics. I think they would make some adorable art to Frame and hang in a Powder Room or Dressing Room. Also included is a fun Printable Corsets Ad from a splendid Victorian Fashion Catalog which could work well as Wrapping Paper for a Gift. We have an aged sepia photograph of a French Corset Shoppe that I picked up a few years ago, and I think it’s probably quite rare. It would look super cute in a Junk Journal!
This vintage short Dress Form displays a charming Ladies Corset. I don’t know what the R&G stands for; perhaps the brand of corset or name of a store. I think the open flap design is interesting. Apparently the separate flaps with their own buttons provided a tighter, snug fit. So much fun!
Here we have a cute ladies Victorian Corset image that comes from an 1889 Ladies Magazine called “The Delineator.” I am not sure that these old corsets were very comfortable to wear, but hopefully they worked as intended!
Pictured above is a cute Vintage Ladies Corset Image! The image was scanned from a Circa 1889 Ladies Fashion Catalog. This Corset was known as a “Dress Form Corset” and it sold for $1.50 at the time! It is such a fun classic looking image. I am so glad we don’t have to wear this type of clothing today though!!
Vintage Corset Advertising Printable

Click HERE for the Full Size Printable PDF of the Corset Catalog Page
Featured above is a detailed fun Printable Corsets Ad from a Victorian Fashion Catalog! Apparently each one has both similar and unique features based upon the descriptions underneath the corsets. Make sure you enlarge it an look closely at the descriptions.
Vintage Corset Clipart
Above are a couple of cute Black and White Royalty Free Corset Ads from an 1880’s Victorian Fashion Catalog! They remind me of all the fun Chalkboard Art! H&G claims that “they are the best,” but I wonder if there really was much difference between the quality and design of P.N. and H&S!
Vintage Corset Shop Photo
Pictured here is a fantastic Vintage French Corset Store Photo! The photo is actually quite a remarkably rare find. Therefore, I’m super excited to share this one with you guys! The wonderful black and white vintage photo postcard shows a Store Front Window of a Corset Shop in France! Amazingly well preserved, it almost seems to be “real to life” without the color. So fun!
I hope you enjoyed this fun curated collection of Vintage Corset Images!! You might also like the Over 250 Images in our Victorian Fashion Archives HERE or the Over 1250 Images in our Black and White Clip Art Archives HERE!
Jackie says
Just an FYI, corsets, if fitted properly, are not uncomfortable to wear. I wear one for re-enacting and it really helps with posture as well. Could the top corset have been for a nursing mother? Anyway, love seeing these old illustrations!
graphicsfairy says
Thanks so much for the info Jackie, I do not know anything about corsets, I just assumed they would not be comfortable!
Maxine D says
Wonderful thanks Karen – and also wonderful that we don’t have to wear that sort of garment now 🙂
kimberly says
Thank you for this wonderful image Karen. I am grateful to you everyday for your generosity here.
Heartfelt thanks again,