Creepy Eyes: DIY Halloween Wall Decor Idea
I was playing around today with a really cool 1880’s ad for artificial eyes, from an old Pharmacists catalog in my collection. It occurred to me that this would be a fast and fun Halloween project! You can download these fun creepy eyes for free to use in your crafts and decor. They are great for adding a spooky vibe to glass-framed prints or photos of people or even of animals.
Free Printable Creepy Eyes:

Step 1: After printing out the eyeball pages, (I printed two copies so that I could have matching eyeballs for each art piece) I just cut out the eyes and taped them over the glass of various portraits in my home. Make sure you do this over prints, or photos, that have glass over top of them. If you tape them directly to paper prints, or paintings etc, it could ruin the original art!
Step 2: Optional. For Abe’s eyes, I even colored in a few red lines with a pen, to make them look a bit bloodshot, although you can’t really see it in the photo.
This was so fun and easy to do. This would be a great project to do with the kids, if you don’t have antique art in your home, you can do the same technique with family photos ( again just makes sure there is glass covering the image, so you don’t damage the original)! I’ve included two versions of the creepy Eyeballs, the sepia version would look great framed as an Instant Art piece too!
For another fun Halloween Art project check out my friend Jen’s post on How to Paint a Ghost on an Old Thrift Store Painting! It’s such a cool project idea!
Susan says
Love the eyes! I might have to give that a try ;o)
the cape on the corner says
that is too funny. i love the halloween themed graphics!
thank you so much for stopping by my blog, and for leaving a comment on my fall wreath. i truly appreciate it!
Tricia - A Rosy Note says
My son would love these 🙂
Karen- The Graphics Fairy says
I’m glad everyone got such a kick out of this one! My husband thought I was off my rocker, when I was running around taping up all of the eyeballs!!
Marcie, Thanks for sharing that poem, too cute!
Marcie Rhys says
Thank you! “Eye was so supreyes by all those eyes, eye hardly knew what to sumeyes. Eye deceyeded that repreyesal should be in the form of an eye for an eye.” Eye (me)
This wonderful bit of tom foolery was written to me by a friend using small plastic google eyes in place of the eye words. Your eyes would be 2 funny in this pictogram.
Best laugh eye’ve had in days!
Anonymous says
I love your “google eyes” and the how-to-examples on your blog – my favourite is Lincoln!
calli3 says
OMG!! Too funny! I was looking for something “different” to use on a birthday card for a friend who’s birthday is Oct. 31.She said she has gotten a lot of different broom themes over the years, so I wanted to break the trend. I will use the first picture with a caption: ” EEEK!!” You”re HOW old??”
jenn says
That’s great Karen. Love those huge eyeballs.
TheSmithHotel says
Thanks Karen!
The print is perfect! My dad has one eye and for his birthday (Oct 1) the kids and I are going to do an eyeball themed birthday. I will use this for his card!
Kathy says
PTHBBBBBBSWACK!!!! THAT’S the sound of me spitting out coffee!!!!!!! bwaahahahahahahahhaah…… LOVED THIS!!! Holy cow, I can’t breathe from laughing so hard. This was great. Absolutely great!!
Can’t wait to use these on family photos. You’re terrific!
Pattie says
Great project, thanks so much for sharing it! It’s hysterical!
Kat from California says
I can’t wait to share this with my daughter. We’re trying to think of something fun to do for Halloween. I’m quietly giggling here at 3:30am. lol
Tania says
this is such fun Karen – thanks for the great idea and images
Teri says
Hilarious! What a great idea! 🙂
charles says
fantastic post xoxo karen