6 Vintage Bathtub Images and Bath Time Clipart
Today we have a wonderful collection of Vintage Bathtub Images and Bath Time Clipart! Below are beautifully designed, ornate Claw Feet tubs. These Old Printables that would make some fabulous Instant Art for a Bathroom Wall! The Antique Illustrations are just adorable. There are several with sweet children, including some very cute babies. All are nice Vintage pictures to use in your craft or DIY Projects. I think all of these would also look great framed and hung together!
Vintage Bathtub Images
Here is the latest addition to this collection. This is such a beautiful old timey bathtub Image! This tub is made of heavy porcelain and it has some gorgeous floral Garlands decorating it. Dreamy!
Click HERE for the Full Size Printable Picture

Antique Bath Time Clipart Images
Above is such a darling Vintage Bath Time Image! The image was scanned from a 1914 Children’s Book, of which many of the images were used to teach children proper manners and behavior. This splendid picture shows two young children with their Mother at Bath Time. So sweet! I love the big Clawfoot Tub too! A beautifully drawn illustration with lots of wonderful Art Nouveau details! I especially love that huge dripping sponge in the little child’s hands.
I hope you enjoyed this fun curated collection of Vintage Images!! You might also like the 1120+ Images in our Black and White Clip Art Archives HERE or the 300+ Images in our Children Archives HERE!
Irene says
Good Morning Karen,
My favourites are the top two images. Wow, is there a lot to see with so much detail! Those claw feet are something else. There’s a lot to those fixtures, identifying the hot and cold, the handheld instrument, and overhead showerheads at the top. There’s a lot involved compared to today’s’ designs but that’s what makes these so unique. The shower curtains are designed differently too. These are amazing!!
Thanks so much for sharing these images with us – they are awesome!!
Have a wonderful day and keep safe!!
graphicsfairy says
Thank you Irene, I always love the details you pick up on 🙂 I love the old clawed feet and amazing detail of these as well. Have a wonderful week 🙂
Denise Brady says
These are lovely, especially loved the bathtub images. Thank you so much.
graphicsfairy says
Thanks so much Denise, the vintage bathtubs were so pretty, I am glad you enjoyed them 🙂
Carol says
What a great image! My dad was a plumber and we still have some of those strange frameworks of pipes up in the barn. Of course today, all that is behind the walls, so it’s odd to see it all out in the open. No doubt the owners of that shower thought it was the cutting edge of bathroomery!
Maxine D says
Thanks Karen
Cynthia says
So cool! I love bathtub images. I have several small framed photos of vintage tubs in my bathrooms. Thank you!