16 Cherry Images
Today we have a yummy collection of Cherry Images! This Fruit appeals to most everyone, besides being sweet and delicious it’s also so beautiful to look at. We have something for everyone in this beautiful set of graphics. Included are full color images that are so bright and cheery you can almost taste them. In addition, there is a lovely Victorian Scrap piece and a Cherries Botanical. There is even a painting of the classic … bowl full of cherries. Rounding out the collection are some fun Black and White Cherry Clipart Illustrations – fun to Color in for Kids or Adults! An Embroidery Image is great for your sewing projects. All are nice for your Summertime Craft or DIY Projects!
Cherry Images
This is a nice one for those Summer projects! A vintage scrap piece of some bright red Cherries. Delicious!
Here’s a fun Vintage Fruit Graphic! Featured above are some cheerful looking Bright Red Cherries! They look so yummy don’t they?
Bowl Full of Cherries Picture
Cherry Illustrations
Aren’t these fun?!! These came out of a 1913 Educational Fruit book. My friend Emily, who writes the blog for Lucketts Store (where I have a space), lent the book to me. I just love Cherries and I think these are particularly nice looking. I’ve included a High Resolution Instant Art Printable of the Vintage Cherry Print along with a couple of smaller images of these guys without the blue background for you to play with.
These gorgeous Cherries are shown here on a Cake Plate or Pedestal. Don’t they look festive!! My scanner first scanned this image a bit on the blue side, as you can see at the bottom. The original is on the top. I decided to offer them both to you, and you can decide which one you like the best. This image comes from an early 1900’s Mrs Beeton’s cookbook from England!
This is another lovely picture of these bright red juicy fruits!
Black and White Cherry Clipart Images

Emma requested a black and white Cherry clipart. This one comes from an antique Typography book.
Here’s something a little different for you today. This a fun antique Cherry Embroidery Design from an Antique Ladies Magazine would be great for your sewing projects, or fun to Color in for Kids or Adults!
I hope you enjoyed this fun curated collection of Cherry Images and Cherry Clipart! You might also like our Fun (and Free) Food Images HERE!
Irene says
Hi Karen,
I came back for more of these sweet cherries! Love them! Thanks so much for sharing these with us!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Karen Watson says
Thank you!
Natalie Doyle` says
Hello, dear Graphics Fairy.
I used to subscribe to all of your email, but somehow lost track of you and was so happy to see you’re still regaling us with lovely images.
Karen Watson says
Hi Natalie, yes I’m still here after all these years and I still post daily for the most part. I’m glad you found me again!
Linda says
Thank you so much. You have a WONDERFUL website. I’m so grateful for all your lovely images. Thank you for being so generous!! <3
graphicsfairy says
Thank you Linda, you are so sweet!
Cherry says
I am in crafting heaven, having found your site. Thank you so much for sharing these wonder, full size images!!! You’re the best. I will be spending a lot of time her.
graphicsfairy says
I am so glad you found us too Cherry, thanks so much for the kind words!
Irene says
I love cherries – very nice!
Thank you so much!
graphicsfairy says
I do too 🙂
TPowers says
Thanks Karen these are SCRUMPTIOUS!!!
w taylor says
There seems to be something wrong with the ‘Cherries’ image, it becomes a black screen when trying to Pin it. Thought u should know. Thank you.
Karen Watson says
Thanks WT! It seems to be working fine now, must have been a glitch earlier!
Kawaiigirl says
Absolutely love the art on this site! Keep up the good work :)!
Cynthia says
Love these! Thank you!
Maxine D says
These are almost good enough to eat – fabulous image thanks Karen