Our Latest Bundle from our Premium Membership Site!
This Bundle includes:
- 23 high resolution images
- 5 printables
Want this bundle + 104 More?!
Read what some of our Members have to say:
In this collection we are offeringย 23 Gorgeous High Resolution Christmas Religious Icon Images! We found these beautiful Symbols in aย Circa 1846 Ecclesiastical Costume book, there weren’t quite enough to make a whole kit with them, so we added in some Church Windows, some Icon Frames and some beautiful Angels awaiting the arrival of the Christ child!
We think you’ll find all kinds of uses for these, that you can use for either your Personal or Commercial Projects!
For those of you that prefer Print Ready options, we are offering 5 Gorgeous Holidayย Printables including Printable Seals, Washi Tape, Collage Sheets and 2 Wrapping Papers!
And 70+ Amazing Photoshop Elements Tutorials, to teach you new skills for working with Vintage images in your art!
Here is a running total of the number of images, and file types, that are available on our Membership Site right now!
- 176 IMAGES (JPG)
- 1152 VECTORS (AI)
- 1152 VECTORS (EPS)
- That’s over 6300 files and 105 kits!!!
In addition to the kits here are some other perks for joining TGF Premium:
Susan says
I have never used photoshop. . Will this teach me how in the photoshop elements 101? Thank you.
graphicsfairy says
Hi Susan,
Emily does wonderful tutorials, this particular tutorial will help you with layers. There are others on the Premium site where you can learn additional things as well. Have fun ๐
Terry Kennedy says
OK, I am old and easily confused, but simply cannot figure out whether these E-mails are for us guys who already have contracted for this fantastic service….or is aimed at prospective participants.
Any chance you could simply add a button to allow existing participants to act on another fantastic offer????
Cannot tell you how frustrating it is to open message and find it is NOT useful for current subscribers.
Love your site, your leadership and your products.
graphicsfairy says
Hi Terry, I am so sorry to cause you any frustration! Can you explain to me what you are finding to not be useful? We want to make sure that we are taking great care of our members and your input is very much appreciated. Thanks so much ๐
Terry Kennedy says
Thank you for your follow-up!
Simply put, I NEVER pass up an E-mail from my favorite image/information source!
I open each and every message and am always uncertain if the weekly “PREMIUM services” letter is for registered clients or prospective buyers.
I am simply suggesting that you might save a little confusion as to the “Target” of the E-mail.
I understand that it would be a “PAIN” to check every letter to see if the recipient is already a “Client”…..So, would it not make sense to simply add an action button to the “Prospecting” letters which would accept action from registered clients – Rather than sending one message to prospects and one letter to clients…..One button could save some wasted motion on BOTH the sender and receiver. Thanks, Terry
Karen Watson says
Hi Terry,
Thanks for your feedback! We are thrilled to no end that you are enjoying the emails! I’m having a little trouble wrapping my head around your question. :/ Maybe this will help, our weekly Monday newsletter is for our Premium Members (or former premium Members)only. The email that comes on Fridays is our Friday Freebie email, with the free image in it and highlights of what happened on the blog the previous week, that is for anyone that signed up for it. We have a daily email that goes out each day for those people that want up to the minute updates on what was posted that day. And then finally we have the new eCourse email for those that are interested in crafting classes. We don’t add anyone to any of the lists, each one has to be subscribed to by the individual subscriber and to make doubly sure they are asked to confirm that via an email sent to them. We use two different email clients to deliver our emails. At the bottom of each email you should be able to unsubscribe from that particular email, so if you are on multiple lists you may need to unsubscribe multiple times, once for each list. I hope that helps!
graphicsfairy says
Thanks so much for the suggestion Terry ๐ We only send emails to our blog readers and Premium members that have signed up to receive the emails. We do always appreciate hearing from our readers and Members and very much value your feedback! Thanks so much ๐
Sharon Alpert says
What’s going on? Cannot access the member site….to get this week’s offering. It just keeps asking me to sign up.This was always the most user friendly site ever. Please don’t change!
graphicsfairy says
Hi Sharon, I’m so sorry you were having a hard time accessing the this week’s offerings. Were you able to get it to open for you? I haven’t heard of others having a problem. Please let me know so we can get you taken care of! Thanks for your patience ๐