Halloween Party Favors for Adults
This weeks crafty project is some Halloween Party Favors for Adults. More specifically they are cute little skeleton matchbox, perfect for lighting your Halloween Jack O Lantern! Halloween is a time for tricks and treats, friends and family. It’s also the perfect opportunity to celebrate with your fellow adults by throwing an adult-themed Halloween party. But don’t worry – it doesn’t have to be scary!
To create this project I just used some regular kitchen matches that I purchased at the grocery store. These are the larger sized boxes, they measure about 2 3/4″ by just under 5″.

Halloween Party Favors for Adults Printable
I'm Not a Trophy Wife says
Hi there_ been following you for a bit and just sitting down to scroll through your blog. I got a hostess gift of a PB candle and matches in a cute box and I just saw your homemade version. I loved the gift I got and this would be so easy and more personal. Thanks.
And, i love the scent of striking a match to light a candle!