14 Large Victorian Hats Images
Today we have a beautiful collection of Large Victorian Hats Images, and a few Edwardian ones too, along with the odd Flapper! Featured below we have so many styles of head coverings, with most having wide brims and fanciful decorations. There are flowers, tulle, and even a bird atop one of these chapeaus. I especially love the Sepia Tones on our old Photographs. This makes them perfect for all of your Vintage Style projects. These would be wonderful to use in Collage or Mixed Media projects, or add to a Fashion Junk Journal!
Large Victorian Hats Images
This very pretty image shows a Woman with a delightful Large Victorian Hat! It is embellished with Red Roses and is tied on with a large bow around her neck. This one was made to be used as a decoration for the top of a Glove Box. The picture never actually made it onto the box and is in pristine condition. Such a pretty piece!
Here we have another beautiful Victorian Hat Woman Image! This image also displays a Lady wearing a large Victorian Hat! This one is embellished with what appears to be a large amount of fluffy black tulle. It was also made to be used as a decoration for the top of a Glove Box.
Every once in a while I pick up something that reminds me so much of someone I know. As soon as I saw this gorgeous lavender lady postcard it reminded me of a very kind friend of mine. “Alice” is wearing a lovely pink gown and the most adorable Straw Hat with a matching pink bow piled high on the top. The ribbons flow gracefully down onto her lovely shoulders.
Well here’s something you don’t see everyday! This is a circa 1909 postcard showing a fashionable young woman wearing a hat with a large Bird on it! It’s not really a fashion statement that I personally would want to make, but it is unusual isn’t it?!
Beautiful Victorian Hats Photographs
Here’s a nice old Photo Postcard! This one shows a very pretty Vintage Lady with a Big Headpiece. So fashionable … and she has such a lovely face. She is a true beauty for sure!
Featured above is an Old Photo of a Woman in Wide Brim Hat Image! This is a delightful Antique Postcard of a young woman with a large, dark wide brim head covering! She has beautiful eyes and a lovely warm smile. Her hands are clasped just under her chin. She’s also wearing an interesting beaded spaghetti strap dress.
This is a cute old fashioned postcard featuring a lady with a stylishly striped bonnet and fur collar! The sepia photo accents the beautifully hand colored aqua and pink tones in the hat.
Here is the latest addition to this collection. Here is a lovely lass all dressed in shades of lavender!
Here we have an old photo postcard of a beautiful actress named Anna Held. She’s wearing a spectacular long flowing velvet gown trimmed in fur, along with a fabulous pleated hat!
Vintage Victorian Hat Graphics
What an unusual very large brimmed hat. It is covered with a large plume of white feathers, and is held in place with a grand looking flower. She has such a beautiful face. This and the two below are from a fabulous circa 1911 Fashion catalog! Inside were all the latest fashions from the time, including these marvelous Hats!! These were lent to me by my friend Marian, from Miss Mustard Seed.
This one reminds me of a Pirate’s hat with its unusual shape and high upswept side. Extending the top even farther is a large bunch of fluffy feathers.
The delightful hat shown above from the circa 1911 Fashion catalog encircles the cute girl’s head closely! It appears to have a large, flat layered bow fashioned from thick ribbon. There is an upturned side brim peeking out from under the ribbon.
Shown above is a woman with a large chapeau that has several Ostrich feathers on it. Sadly there appears to be a poor dead critter up there too!
Here we have a beautiful Vintage Elegant Lady with Feathered Hat Silhouette Image! This is a simply stunning silhouette. Her fine facial features are graceful and beautiful!
I hope you enjoyed this fun curated collection of Large Victorian Hats Images! You might also like our Victorian Fashion Images HERE or our Regency Fashion Images HERE.
Irene says
Hi Karen,
I’ve come back for more! I love the latest one with the soft shades of lavender – so pretty!! Thanks so much for sharing this lovely collection with us! Have a wonderful weekend!!
Karen Watson says
Thank you Irene! I hope you have a wonderful weekend too!
Bev Wilson says
Beautiful selection – thanks so much

graphicsfairy says
thank you Bev, so glad you enjoyed them
Carol says
Thank you so much Karen , one of my passions and these are beautiful .
Stay safe and have a good week
Karen Watson says
Thank you Carol, hope you stay safe too!
Carol Whiting says
Thanks for sharing the hats. My children loved the child’s story of the Audubon Society, “She’s Wearing a Dead Bird on Her Head”! Great story of how we changed what was fashionable, for the sake of rare birds.
Karen Watson says
That sounds interesting! Thanks for the recommendation Carol!
Irene says
Hi Karen,
Wow, taking a look at the various styles and designs of these fashionable hats — my goodness!! They are all so very, very different but so appropriate to what these ladies are adorning.
Hats have this distinguished mark of sophistication about them – whether they are worn by men or by women. Nevertheless, they have always been one of my major favourites when it comes down to fashion. These are ALL gorgeous! I also love the actual photographs – they are beautiful!
Thanks so much for sharing these with us and have a fabulous weekend!!
graphicsfairy says
Thanks so much Irene, I too am a huge fan
Have a wonderful weekend!
Maxine D says
Wonderful image thanks Karen
Susan says
She’s wonderful for crazy quilting. Wish they hadn’t cut her hat off, but she’s still beautiful. So is the purple one you linked in.
Karen Watson says
Susan, I’m so glad you left this comment about her hat being cut off!! I realized when I read this, that I had uploaded the thumbnail by mistake and not the whole image! I’ve corrected it, and now we have the full image instead. Phew!!
Cynthia says
So beautiful! Thank you!
Karen Watson says
Thanks Kathy and Ronda!! Watch for her sister, I’ll be posting her next week!
Ronda Liebert says
Karen, I think this is probably the prettiest image you have ever offered. I love this and will use this very soon.
kathy/NorthCarolina says
Oh my goodness! This is truly fabulous! Thank you so much!
snezana says
Zdravo Karen!
Htela sam samo da vam zahvalim na ovom prelepom blogu! Svako jutro, kada pijem prvu jutarnju kafu, znam da će me obradovati nešto lepo od The Graphics Fairy! Sa nestrpljenjem čekam svaki novi Post! Posećivala sam i druge blogove ali vaš je ubedljivo najlepši. Baš, ali baš onako kako ja volim! Veliko vam hvala!
S poštovanjem. Snežana
Karen Watson says
Hvala Snežana!