9 Easter Jesus Images
Today we have a wonderful collection of Easter Jesus Images! We have some nice Easter images featuring Jesus in a variety of backgrounds. A couple of the images display him holding a sweet little Lamb. One is in color that has a flock of sheep following Him as well. There are images of Him wearing a crown of thorns on His head as He is preparing for the cross. Perfect for your Handmade Easter Cards, Craft Projects, and nice to use on a Church Bulletin or Newsletter. They would all be fun for your Collage or Mixed Media projects as well!
Vintage Easter Jesus Images
Shown above is a beautiful illustration of Jesus wearing a Rose colored Robe, or perhaps it’s a faded Red shade. He has his a flock of Sheep around him. And the greeting says “A Happy Easter”. Lovely card!
Pictured above is such a lovely antique Easter postcard. The card features Jesus with a flock of Sheep following close behind in a field with some pretty yellow and red flowers. He is holding a precious little Lamb. Jesus is wearing such pretty, colorful attire. He is holding a tall cane. In the distant background is a dwelling or two of some sort along with fields of brown and gold colors. One structure actually looks somewhat like a steeple. Such a wonderful picture!
This is a beautiful Easter Jesus image. This one almost looks like a stained glass window, with its bright colors and black outlines. In this picture we see that Jesus has risen and he has a golden halo around his head. Nearby is an Angel praying. Beautiful!
This is a lovely picture showing Jesus, with some Sheep, inside of the shape of a cross. The sentiment reads “All Easter Gladness be Yours”.
Black and White Jesus Easter Images
This is a splendid Vintage Easter Jesus Image!! Shown above is a Beautiful Antique Easter Card featuring Jesus in an Arch Shaped Frame. There is a little white box underneath where you can add some text if you wish. He is carrying a Palm tree branch. I suppose this is meant to represent Palm Sunday prior to his crucifixion. It is such a nice Vintage Religious Image!
Featured above is a nice early religious Engraving. This one is from a Circa 1851 Christian book. The engraving shows Jesus clutching a sweet baby Lamb. He has such an expression of kindness and contentment on his face I think. The reading at the bottom appropriately says, “The Good Shepherd.” As in the top graphic He is again holding his cane.
So, here we have something today that’s pretty amazing pictured above … miraculous even!! And so perfect for Easter weekend. According to the book, this fantastic pen flourished image of Jesus was originally all done with the “single stroke of the pen” as is written underneath his picture. There are two identical images seen above. One has a square yellow frame over the oval cameo. This is part of the historical account of His death as he is wearing the crown of thorns. It is a bit sad and distressing yet I suppose also beautiful in the sense that for believers He will be resurrected. That is why we have Easter celebrations of course.
Easter Banner
Here is the latest addition to this collection. This one does not have a picture of Jesus on it, but instead it’s a lovely Easter banner with his name.
I hope you enjoyed this curated collection of Easter Jesus Images! You might also like our Easter Cross Images HERE or our Happy Easter Image Collection HERE.
KT Fit Kitty says
Thank you so much for these images of our Lord and Savior. Blessings to you on this Resurrection Day.
Karen Watson says
I’m glad you liked these Kitty. Blessings to you too!
Michelle H says
Everything I’ve seen this couple of week leading up to Easter has been truly lovely. Thank you so much.
Karen Watson says
Thank you so much Michelle! Happy Easter!
Patricia Mayne-Schlachtun says
These Jesus inages are awesome! Thanks so much for sharing them. I was looking for something I could include with my grandboys Easter cards, plus 4 nieces and 1 nephew.
These should work nicely.
graphicsfairy says
It is my pleasure Patricia, I am so glad you will use them. Have a wonderful Easter!
Irene says
Hi Karen,
Happy Easter to you and your family!
These Jesus graphics are fabulous! I love the first one so much!
Thank you for sharing these with us!
Have a wonderful and safe weekend!
graphicsfairy says
Thank you Maxine, you too!
Stephanie Perkins says
What happened to the image that was talked about in the book of Revelations? This image of Jesus is the image from what book?
graphicsfairy says
I am not sure Stephanie
Bev Wilson says
Thank you, Karen – a Blessed Easter to you. <3
graphicsfairy says
Thanks so much Bev, I hope you had a nice Easter
Carolyn Fielding says
The long cane is actually a shepherd’s crook, used to catch hold of a sheep. The church has adapted it into a bishop’s crozier.
graphicsfairy says
Yes! Thanks so much for that Carolyn