14 Vintage Wallpapers
These Vintage Wallpaper samples were among some of the first images that I scanned on my blog. They were beautiful 1940’s Wallpapers, that I had collected over many years as an Antiques Dealer. At one point, I cut the original papers into smaller samples to sell in packs on Etsy, and that is around the time that I scanned these. Unfortunately back then I didn’t have a clue about resolution when it came to images, and so unfortunately the resolution was pretty low. I no longer have any of these papers around anymore, or at least I don’t think that I do as they have not turned up in my latest move, but as luck would have it I did give a number of remnants to Emily a while back and she still has some! She scanned the ones that she had and for the rest I have adjusted them the best that I can, but they are quite small.
If you don’t see a “Click HERE to Download …” under a sample that you like, it means I was not able to include a higher-resolution file of that sample. I’m consolidating all of these posts together so that you can find them all in one spot. **Also, please read my note about copyright at the bottom of the page.
Cabbage Rose Wallpapers

Click HERE for the Full Size Printable PDF of the Striped Cabbage Roses Wallpaper
This is a wonderful vintage wallpaper. This one has a pretty gray and white striped background, and the loveliest pink cabbage roses with soft green leaves!! I covered a couple of hat boxes with these, back when I used to have my shop, and this pattern was very popular. As I recall I had rather a large roll of this paper.
{Right click to save the small green Roses Wallpaper file above}
Vintage Lace Pattern Wallpapers
Vintage Scrolls and Swirls Damask Wallpaper
{Right click to save the small Scrolls and Roses Wallpaper file above}
This is a very elegant 1940’s Wallpaper Pattern. My grandparents had a similar paper in their foyer. The colors used here are soft mauve’s and rose. There are some very fancy looking Scrolls and Swirls here amidst the pretty White Roses.
{Right click to save the small Burgundy Scrolls and Roses Wallpaper file above}
This one is a similar style to the one above. Only the color here is a rich deep burgundy with the White Roses and Scrolls layered on top. It gives the paper a sort of Toile Effect.
Other Vintage Floral Wallpapers
Click HERE to Download the Lilacs Wallpaper
This one is such a beauty and another favorite of mine! This Vintage Paper has a soft Rose colored background and layered on top are beautiful Pink Cabbage Roses and Lavender Lilacs. Stunning!
{Right click to save the small Soft Blue Wallpaper file above}
This soft blue paper is quite charming with it’s small bouquets of pink and yellow flowers. The pale blue stripes doing up down on this pattern, remind me of grosgrain ribbons.
Click HERE to Download the Yellow Roses Patterned Paper
This happy little Wallpaper pattern features tiny cute Yellow Roses on a Sage Green Background. There is an all over diamond pattern that makes me think of a Garden Trellis when I look at it. I once covered a very tiny papermache box with this one. It’s the sort of pattern that you could visualize being used on the walls of a dollhouse due to it’s small scale.
Click HERE for the Pink Leaves Wallpaper
And last but not least is this pretty patterned paper. It’s not really a floral Wallpaper pattern but instead it’s leaves. And they are very pretty pink leaves at that, which give them a floral like appearance. The background is a soft blue, almost gray. I think this was one of the very first papers that I purchased. If I remember correctly I purchased it from my old picker, who let me tag along to an attic clean out with him, and this was stashed away under the eaves. It was an exciting find! He told me he would have thrown it out if I hadn’t been there to grab it, as it wouldn’t have occurred to him to save it. Can you even imagine?! It makes you wonderful how many of these lovely old papers are in the landfill now. Ugh!
Click HERE for the Full Size Printable of the Chintz Wallpaper
This beauty is a bit older than the others. It has a chintz like feel to it. I love the soft muted tones and that beautiful bird in the center!
Click HERE for the Full Size Printable PDF of the Iris Paper
Here is the latest addition to this collection. This one has soft pastel tones and features some pretty Iris flowers on it! Such a sweet pattern.
**A word about copyright on these. It’s my belief that most of these papers date to around the 1940’s, judging by the style of the designs, and they were made in the U.S. I really have no way of knowing if the copyright would have been renewed on these, some years later. As far as I know there is no database for this and since we don’t know the names of the patterns, no way to research it anyway. It’s possible that as styles and tastes changed rather rapidly over the next couple of decades, that it would not have made sense to renew a copyright on an outdated design of any type. But again, I can’t guarantee that and I just don’t know. So I am offering these as a sort of historical snapshot of these designs for educational purposes and I am going to leave it at that. I hope you enjoy viewing these!
Hello! Are you new to The Graphics Fairy?
marina says
Those are ASTONISHING, and I saw a lot!!!
WOW, ladies, you rock.
I usually use the images for making cards that I donate or give away. I do not sell them.
I love your site so much. When I need an image, any image, this is my first place to go.
Thank you so much. You are the best.
Karen Watson says
Aw! That’s wonderful Marina, I’m so glad you are finding things here that you can use for your cards. Thanks for your very sweet comment!
Marianne Brown says
You are so amazing and I just love all the information you share. You have helped me in many ways especially for my scrapbooking pages. Thank you so much and I look forward to “The Graphics Fairy” e-mails.
Karen Watson says
That’s wonderful to hear Marianne! Thank you for subscribing to our emails.
Patricia Schmidt says
My heart skips beats when I view all the vintage things you post. I have high blood pressure and I hope I don’t croak while I’m delighting in all the amazing images on your site! I love it all. Thank you so much. xo
graphicsfairy says
LOL,you are too funny Patricia, I am so glad you enjoy them so much!
Marina says
I kind of feel the same. The images are staining!!!
Gail Reilly says
I have just downloaded one of the pretty wallpapers from The Graphics Fair (thanks so much!). I wish to decoupage the design onto a timber cabinet. But is normal printer paper suitable for this? And which kind of printer should I use? Thanks in advance – Gail
graphicsfairy says
Hi Gail, I use a regular inkjet printer and any paper will work, good luck!!
Donna B Oliphint says
I’m a retired interior designer and used the wallpaper books these patterns came from often back in the 80’s and 90’s. So sorry I can’t remember the name of the distributor.
graphicsfairy says
Wow, very cool Donna, no worries, thanks for sharing!
Juel says
You made me very happy today when I opened my email to find these in the newsletter!
graphicsfairy says
Oh I am so glad to hear that Juel, thanks so much 🙂
Alica says
You have the large and nice collection. Sometimes I read your blog. It’s so beautiful. Keep it up 🙂
graphicsfairy says
Thank you Alica, you are so kind 🙂
Victoria says
You’re not going to believe it, but I lived in a victorian house turned into apartments and we had this exact wallpaper in the hall! Too funny.
Karen says
Hi Betzie,
Thanks so much for your lovely comment! I hope you can find some things here that you can use in your projects!
Karen (The Graphics Fairy)
Betzie says
You are very kind to share these and to take the time to do so! Thank-you! I collect old papers, but it sure is easier when someone else does all the work on the computer! 🙂
Glad I found your blog!
Karen says
Hi Rosemary,
I’m addicted to paper stuff, and the blog just helps me to justify it a little!
Hi Alison,
I’m glad you liked it, I had fun visiting your very creative blog and have added a link for you.
Hi Bristol,
Thank you for the sweet comment. Your blog is beautiful, I love your banner! I’ve added a link for you too!
Hi Michelle,
Your very welcome. Actually “Rose Garden Romantic” would be the perfect name for that wallpaper wouldn’t it?!
Rose Garden Romantic says
I love this wallpaper!!
Thank you!!
Bristol says
I just wanted to say I love your site. I used some of your graphics for my blog and I just love it!!!!!
Alison Gibbs says
Karen what pretty paper.
Rosemary says
Just stopped by to say hi again.
You always come up with the best stuff. I don’t know how you do it.