9 Bear Images
Today we have a fun collection of Bear Images! Isn’t there something special about wild animals? I suppose nature in general is fascinating, with so many species of plant and animal life to see. Below are several splendid pictures, including some of these large creatures in the wild. All are nice pictures to use in your craft or DIY Projects. Don’t you think these would be perfect for a Lodge Style project as well?!
Black Bear Images
Here is the latest addition to this collection. Featured above is a lovely large black Bear wandering through a meadow. He is close to a patch of pink wildflowers and there are some beautiful mountains and pines in the background. Such a beautiful scene!
Brown Bear Images
This lovely large animal is walking through some very tall grass. There is a lake or river nearby. Perhaps he will wander over and catch some fish!
Pictured above is a little Victorian game card from my collection that I treasure. This Animal card features a Brown Bear. It appears that he might be up high on a rocky surface as the trees in the background look to be a good distance below. My impression is that he is standing proudly over his domain as he growls to indicate that he is sort of the ‘King of the forest.’ I suppose that is up to interpretation, but that’s my take! Even though the image is fairly simplistic, I really like the pretty colors, and it is detailed enough to make it just right I think!
Featured above is a gorgeous Big Brown Bear with a Satin blanket on him. Isn’t he beautiful? I actually altered this one quite a bit, because he had an awful looking heavy metal collar on him with a giant chain. Perhaps he was a circus animal. It made him look so sad, which made me sad as well. Therefore, I removed it. I think he looks much nicer this way!
Here we have a sweet picture! Shown above are three beautiful Brown Bears, a Mama and her two Babies! The Mama is watching her playful Cubs having fun wrestling on the ground. So cute! I love the trees in this landscape scene. This one comes from a Circa 1885 German Natural History Book.
Black and White Bear Clipart
Here is a Bear walking past a leaning Pine tree! According to the antique book that I scanned this one from, he is a Siberian Bear.
Featured here is a black and white Antique Engraving of a Grizzly Bear. Looks like he found a tasty snack as his tongue is hanging out!
Featured above is an interesting old Primitive Bear Image! My guess is that this one is a Cub as he appears to be pretty small. He sure is a cute one! This image was scanned from a rare, and early, Antique Printer’s book, Circa 1828. It is an old picture of a little Bear with an Oval frame around it.
Pictured here is a wonderful image of a giant American Black Bear. The terrain perhaps represents a mountainous habitat for this magnificent animal. It obviously is a very rocky landscape. I love the details of the animal in this picture. His claws, facial features, and hair are quite impressive. His tongue seems to be sticking out, which likely means that he is hungry and on the prowl for food!
I hope you enjoyed this curated collection! You might also like our Best Animal Images HERE and our Teddy Bear Pictures HERE.
Scrappyrat says
So glad the practice of keeping these “dancing” bears is dying out. It’s still done in a few places where they steal cubs from their moms, then yank out all of their teeth, rip out their claws (much the same way as declawing a cat, but without anesthetic, so it’s even more horrific), put a ring through their nose that is purposely kept raw and infected so pulling on it gives the so-called “trainer” control over the bear. In many cases, they also burn their front paws so that they will “dance”, walking on their hind legs because it hurts so much to stand normally, on four legs. Thankfully there are a lot of people working to get this practice stopped, to rescue these bears, heal their wounds, and give them sanctuary away from crowds and gawkers. I have no nostalgia for the circus. It’s still a big mess, but thankfully things are moving more toward animal-free circuses. Sometimes these old images just make us thankful for how far we’ve come…though in this case, we’ve got a lot further to go yet. Someday we’ll look back at the circuses that still use animals today and wonder how we could have ever been so brutal.
Anonymous says
Hi Karen,
Do you actually have a image of a two headed circus horse? I would love to use that. I couldn’t find it. Thank you for all that you do.
Clear Crick Cottage says
I dared to hope for a bear… and here he is!
He’s just perfect! Thank you for the work you
did on him – he looks so much more like a match
to the other animals then if he were in chains!
Thank you for all you do, Karen!
Ann says
I love this image of the circus bear and would dearly like the other 3 circus animals too but when I click on the older posts with them featured it just clicks back to the bear?? Can this be fixed please as I would love to do a project with them. Many thanks love all you do and share much appreciated! Ann x xx
lee sanfrancisco says
I love the vintage animals and birds. I agree with your posters that they would look better without the circus garb, or birds in cages. Some things vintage isn’t always better!
Any woodpeckers in the house??
Certainly appreciate your time and efforts!
Ali says
THANK YOu Krean! LOVE your beautiful images, TY for fixing the dear old beaR! He doesn’t deserve a chain or collar.
Anonymous says
Thank you for removing the chain! Do you have him without the blanket? That would be great for woodland scenes? Thanks for your fantastic website!
Karen Watson says
Bonnie and d1blodgett,
Thanks for letting me know that it wasn’t enlarging! I just fixed it! Must have been a little glitch on Blogger last night.
d1blodgett says
I couldn’t enlarge it, either. Thanks for all the images you post. You know I love your stuff!
Bonnie says
I’m afraid the image is not able to be enlarged when you click on it. I love these circus images…as well as most of the images you post. Thanks for sharing, Karen.
Barbra Joan says
thank you for removing the collar and chain.
Anonymous says
Yes, thank you for doing that. It looks terrific, and I’m sure the bear is a lot happier!
Love your site, and thanks for all the vintage clip art.