16 Paris Typography Clipart
Today we have a beautiful collection of Paris Typography Clipart! These are some of my long time favorites on the blog that we have pulled together into one collection to make it easier to find them. There are all sorts of beautiful Paris Address and word printables. Many of these have been created as printable transfers, with both front facing, and mirrored options, to work with the different types of mediums that you might use with them. I hope you enjoy this lovely French collection!
Paris Typography Transfer Printables
Click HERE for the Printable PDF of the Paris apartment Front Facing Image
(This one is suitable for printing directly on fabric, for decoupage, etc.)
Click HERE for the Printable PDF of the Paris apartment Reverse Facing Image
(This reversed transfer is suitable for transfer projects like iron-on transfers, Citra Solv transfers, etc.)
The French Typography Transfer that you see above is a fantastic Paris Apartment Sign! It was probably an ad to begin with, but I think it would make a wonderful sign, so that’s what I’m calling it! I love all of the Fancy French Text on it and the pretty doodads on either side of the word ‘Paris.’ I’ve created two versions – a front facing image at top and a mirrored option for Transfers on the bottom. This one was submitted by our very lovely French friend Sandrine! Sandrine frequents old Paris Archives to find marvelous treasures like these, and is very kindly sharing them with us. Thank you Sandrine!
Need help finding the perfect Transfer Method for your Project? Check out my Post about Transfer Methods HERE.
(This one is suitable for printing directly on fabric, for decoupage etc.)
Click HERE for the Full Size Printable PDF of the Mirror Image of the Grand Prix Graphic
(This reversed transfer is suitable transfer projects like iron-on transfers, Citra Solv transfers, etc.)
This Transfer Printable is a lovely French Typography Specimen! It is Paris Circa 1889 and from the Exposition, which the Eiffel Tower was built for! This would look fab on Linen or Burlap, and great for Flour Sack projects too! The possibilities are endless so have fun with these!
CLICK HERE for the full size printable PDF of the Miroiterie Graphic
(This one is suitable for printing directly on fabric, for decoupage, etc.)
CLICK HERE for the full size printable PDF of the reversed Miroiterie
Above is a pretty Parisian Factory Furniture Transfer for you! I was looking to do something very simple and text-focused, with a pretty hand drawn frame. This logo is for a Parisian Mirror factory and was made by combining text from several old invoices. The frame was modified from an old French Perfume label. I really love the unique look of the Q, T, and R in this font!Click HERE for the Full Size Printable PDF of the Ville de Paris Graphic
(This one is suitable for printing directly on fabric, for decoupage etc.)
(This reversed transfer is suitable transfer projects like iron-on transfers, Citra Solv transfers, etc.)
Here is another fabulous French Transfer Printable! This Typography Printable has a wonderful French Address and the word ‘Paris’ in the title. The title “VILLE DE PARIS” is in all capital letters. So chic!
Click HERE for the Full Size Printable PDF of the French Cities Graphic
(This one is suitable for printing directly on fabric, for decoupage etc.)
Click HERE for the Full Size Printable PDF of the Reversed Version of the Paris Cities Graphic
This is a gorgeous Paris Script Furniture Transfer! This Typography Printable was created from an old Piece of French Ephemera. It began as a pretty little card that was originally used as a Printers Sample. The script on this one is so lovely and includes the names of three French cities –Paris, Lyon, and Marseille. A nice one for your painted Furniture Projects. I think it would look marvelous on the top of a Painted Table or on the front of a Dresser!
Paris Address Images
Here we have an awesome Paris address from the Le Phénix ephemera in the section below. For this one, I played around with the original typography on the ad. It is a bit distressed looking, so I think you will love it.
I also made this version, which really is just something I typed up using a fun font. I don’t know if you can use it or not, but I was able to make it larger than the other one so it might be useful for something.
Paris Ephemera and Labels
Here we have a beautiful old flyer or advertisement for The Phoenix Insurance Company in Paris. There are several different typefaces on this piece of French Ephemera. There is an awesome Paris address at the bottom. I played around with it and created two versions. You will find the address portion examples in the section above. This is another gorgeous offering from Sylvie in France, at La Miette Bricole.
This is a Vintage Ornately Framed Paris Oil Label! This black and cream Label from Paris has an ornate frame around the lovely French typography in the center. It says, “HUILE” (which is oil in French) in bright red and capital letters. It seems to be an oil to keep your horse beautiful!

Old Paris Graphics
Aren’t these fun?!!! Above are some old Paris labels for “Rats de Cave,” which I believe was an old style iron candle holder. It is the kind that had a curly spiral that held the candle and was used in wine cellars. I have included two versions for you to have some fun with. I love how the word ‘Parisian’ looks on these. It is such a great looking font!!
Submitted by a sweet reader named Sara, this wonderfully nostalgic postcard says, “Greetings from Paris” with a starry background and a cute Moon. I like how each letter has a scene inside of it! It’s kind of funny that this “Paris” Postcard was made in Boston!
I hope you enjoyed this fun curated collection of Paris Typography Clipart! You might also like our Best French Label Images HERE !
Mandy Allen says
Thanks for these lovely graphics. I must let you know that the Huile advertisement up is for the care and beauty of hair, not horses! It’s a common error: cheveux = hair, chevaux = horses!
graphicsfairy says
Thanks so much for the clarification Many! We will get that changed, appreciate it 🙂