DIY Phrenology Head Pin Cushion
It’s been awhile since I posted a project, I’ve had so much going on the past few weeks but, now that I’m getting caught up again, I can get back to crafting! This weeks project is a fun and quirky little Phrenology Head Pin Cushion.
Click HERE for the Printable PDF Reversed Image of the Phrenology Heads
I used an antique Phrenology head diagram from HERE and I altered it a bit to give it a craft theme. Feel free to grab the images above for decoupage, collage etc. However for this particular project we will need mirror, or reversed, images, you can download the PDF with the mirror image versions above.
Supply List:
1) Solid Color tightly woven light colored fabric (Just keep in mind that the tighter the weave on the fabric the better. Loose weave fabrics just don’t work well, as the pattern will bleed. Sorry ladies, but I doubt burlap would work for this!)
2)Citra-solv Natural Cleaner & Degreaser – This product comes in Lavender or Orange, I found mine at my local Health food store and also it’s now for sale in my local grocery store.
3) Photocopy of the download – Take you printed PDF to your local copy place and have a photocopy made. Not all black and white copiers work, I believe you need a toner based image. I made some copies at Staples and they did not work, but the ones that I did at my local grocery store did. So test it first to make sure it works!
4)A cotton ball or paintbrush (For applying the Citra -Solv)
5)Painters tape or pins
6)An Iron
7)Also- an old metal spoon, an old towel, some newspaper and some rubber gloves.
8) A needle and thread or a sewing machine
9)Batting or fiber fill
10)A small section of ribbon- for hanging
Step 1: First follow the instructions for transferring the printable PDF onto the fabric, using this tutorial HERE. After your fabric is dry, cut around the images and leave a little room for your seams.
Step 2: Pin the 2 pieces together so that the images are on the inside and are facing each other. Then sew by hand or by machine. I’m not speaking to my sewing machine right now, so mine was done by hand and it only took about 10- 15 minutes. Make sure you leave a couple of inches open at the top for your batting and hanger!
Step 3: Turn right sides out and press with an iron.
Step 4: Stuff with batting or fiber fill. Add a little ribbon loop (I used black velvet ribbon) for a hanger and sew opening shut.
Now you have a fun little place to keep all of your pins ready for your next sewing project!
kcli says
Looks like the links may be broken…can’t wait to make!
Brandy says
I have another version of a brain I have used on my Cancer Patient Cards…
“You have been on my mind….”
I love your crafty conversion girl! Thanks – – – You are one fasinating woman!
mandylifeboats says
cool idea but the head is scaring me, lol says
This is so unique, I love it! Thanks so much for sharing, I’ll be linking.
JulieChats says
I love it! I’m going to send it over to my sewing mom!
Stopping by from Today’s Creative! Signed up to follow you! Stop on over when you get a chance I’m always looking for a few more crafty followers!
Claudia says
This is the best thing I have seen in ages! It so made me smile and I know that this will turn into a present for someone very special. I am looking forward to making it. Thanks so much! Greetings from Germany
Lisa Madden Bass says
Another GREAT project, Karen…and this is a pratical one I can really use right now! Thanks
~*~Patty Szymkowicz says
oh and I was very excited to read that CitraSolve comes in Lavender scent
~*~Patty Szymkowicz says
Dear Karen ~ your head pin cushion is too much fun! Great images of the artists brain
too many thanks for sharing those!
Quirky is good !
Karen- The Graphics Fairy says
Hi Marcela,
I didn’t know you had a Spanish blog! I’m glad you can use the image!
Hi Joyce,
I had thought of that, which is why I offered the image with out being mirrored as well. I like using the Citra Solv though, because you can save a little money that way. The bottle lasts forever and you can use up scraps of fabric that you have around the house.
Gypsy Magpie, yes, that’s a good one, and maybe a section for chocolate too!!
Jax & Jewels, No, I’m so lame. Tutorials are more my thing, I usually get bored of making something after I make one of them. If you, or anyone else wants to make these to sell on Etsy, be my guest!
Jax and Jewels says
This is so awesome, Karen!! How cleaver and beautiful!! Are you going to sell one on etsy??!!!
Grace says
Hilarious! Going in my “to do” file!
ooglebloops says
Pi cushion – or voodoo doll!!LOL this is great – thanks for the how-to!!!!One can never have too many pin cushions!!!
The Gypsy Magpie says
Oh this is such a funny project! It think mine needs to have a little section of brain that says ‘shopping’ though…
Pink Rufflez says