29 Santa Pictures with Red Coats
Today we have a fantastic collection of Santa Pictures with Red Coats! What could be Merrier than that?! Have you started your Holiday DIY or Craft Projects yet? Be prepared; I have a big stack of stuff to share with you this season. The images featured below are classic, colorful, red suited Santa Images. We have several charming Nostalgic Postcards to use in your Christmas Mixed Media or Altered Art Craft Projects. You will also find a few fun Santa Christmas Card graphics, which are nice for your Handmade Holiday Card or even stickers.
Old Fashioned Santa Images
Look who I spotted through the window?! It’s Santa Claus holding a pretty Doll for a good little girl. There are snowflakes swirling all around him. Such a gorgeous Christmas picture!
Here’s our guy with his hands full of charming toys! He has his hood up and he’s smoking a long clay pipe. Such beautiful details on this lovely nostalgic card.
Here’s St Nick with a bit of a somber expression on his face. He’s holding a small tree and 2 little puppet looking dolls. The snow is starting to fall around him. Perhaps he’s a bit cold!
Here we see a Santa picture with his large pack on his back and a Leather Suitcase! I’m not sure if he’s hitching a ride or if he’s trying to flag down his Reindeer. Unusual!
Above is a gorgeous Victorian Clip Art Santa in Red image. He is carrying a bag of toys and a Christmas Tree over his shoulder and it is snowing. There is a US Flag in his bag. Fun!
Here we have a lovely Nostalgic Red Suited Santa Graphic. This is the same illustration as the image above on a different background. Sometimes you find them like this, it’s always interesting to see the different variations. This one is a “Joyful Greeting.”
Here’s a sweet Antique Christmas Postcard! This one shows Santa with a big bag of Toys and a Christmas Tree. It looks like he’s on the phone, taking some last minute gift orders!This Vintage Graphic is a Classic looking Santa with his traditional red fur trimmed Coat! I love that he’s bringing some fun brightly colored Balloons to some good little Girl or Boy! He’s also got a small Tree and some cute little Toys!
This Antique Postcard shows a great looking Santa, walking with a Cane or Walking Stick. He’s got loads of cute toys in his Sack!
This is an Antique Santa Soap Ad! What an unusual advertising piece! Featured here is a Santa Claus dressed in his traditional red suit and cap. He’s holding a small Christmas Tree that’s full of Toys. And on his back is a large box of Santa Claus Soap! It appears to have been an ad for some type of Laundry Soap.
Here we have a cute Victorian Christmas card showing Santa checking his list! Do you see your name on it?!!
Shown above is a marvelous old Christmas Card featuring a beautiful Santa, in his Red Suit, climbing up a Ladder to get on the Roof. I wonder where he got that ladder from?! This great looking Old World Santa picture. He is wearing a traditional looking Red Coat and a nontraditional looking brown cap! He’s got lots of Toys and Gifts in his sack, and he’s having a little fun with a Toy Horn. So cute!
Nostalgic Santa Pictures
Isn’t he gorgeous?! This one was a splurge, but I think he was totally worth it! This jolly fellow has the most amazing face. He has a long white beard and a bit of Holly on his cap. His eyes look so smiley.
This lovely colored-pencil portrait of Santa smiling is so cute. He wears a red suit and hat with fluffy fur trim. He has chubby cheeks springing out from his white beard and eyebrows. The background has hints of yellow, blue, and brown. It reads, “A Merry Christmas to You.”

Antique Santa Pictures
Here’s a lovely classic Victorian Santa Picture postcard. He looks quite large next to that tiny Christmas tree, doesn’t he?!
Shown above is an adorable St Nick, framed by a Traditional Holly Wreath. I love the color combo on this one. I think it’s very striking with the Red, Green, and bright Blue!
This is a wonderful Old World Santa Picture! This Antique Postcard shows a great looking Mr Claus, with a red Cap and beautiful Holly Wreath, worn as a Crown over top of it! He’s also got a Corn Cob Pipe.
Here we have a nice Vintage Christmas Image! A classic looking Santa Claus at the Door. He’s bearing Gifts and a few sprigs of Holly too. So festive!
Here’s another great looking antique Christmas Postcard! This one shows a Jolly Looking Santa Face, with a little Holly adorning his beard! I love the pretty typography on this one, even though I’ve never been a big fan of the word Xmas.
North Pole Workshop Pictures
This Vintage Santa image shows him in his Workshop. I love that he’s Painting!! I think the touches of Mistletoe and Holly seen in the corners are a nice touch!
I hope you enjoyed this fun curated collection of Santa Pictures! You might also like our Best Merry Christmas Pictures HERE or our Santa’s with other colored Coats HERE.
Cécile says
Bonjour Karen,
MERCI ! MERCI ! MERCI ! pour tous ces magnifiques partages………. Je suis tellement heureuse d’avoir découvert votre site …….. Ce que vous faites est tout simplement sublime et le plus génial est que vous ayez la gentillesse de nous en faire profiter.
je voudrais vous dire toute ma gratitude pour tous ces partages plus beaux les uns que les autres.
Je vous souhaite de très belles fêtes de fin d’Année à vous et les vôtres.
Prenez bien soin de vous .
Très cordialement.
graphicsfairy says
Salut Cécile,
Merci pour les mots gentils! Vous êtes les bienvenus, je suis si heureux que vous appréciiez tout.
Joyeux Noël et bonne année à vous aussi!
Deirdre Henry says
Thank you for all the wonderful pictures that you share all the time. You must have a hugh collection.
Love all of them.
Karen Watson says
Thank you Deirdre! Yes, I have been working on putting many of the postcards into binders to organize them better, it’s been quite a task, there are so many!!
Crystal says
Thank you for sharing these wonderful images Karen! I cannot seem to get the first gorgeous Santa and the Santa with the binoculars to download. Could you check them from your end. Thanks a bunch!.
Karen Watson says
Sorry about that Crystal! Thanks so much for letting us know. We have a little sneaky bug in our system that does that sometimes. I have fixed them both. 🎄
Crystal says
Thank you so much Karen! Love these! Hope your family has a wonderful Christmas!
Karen Watson says
Merry Christmas to you too Crystal!🎄
Patricia says
This site is my first “go to” when I need an image! Your generosity is so wonderful. Thanks from my artful heart!
graphicsfairy says
That is so sweet Patricia, you made my day 🙂
CFS says
Beautiful things! I’m already in love with them. So stylish! Thank you for this interesting post and amazing pics.
graphicsfairy says
Thanks Christina, so glad you like them 🙂
doodle says
So lovely! Thank you very much for sharing!
graphicsfairy says
It is my pleasure, so glad you enjoyed them 🙂
Irene says
Hi Karen,
Thanks so much for sharing all of these wonderful Santa goodies with us! I really love the one with the poem!
But they all look great, reminding me of my childhood days where our Santas looked like these Santas!
Have a wonderful weekend!!
graphicsfairy says
I love these Santas too Irene, so happy you like them 🙂
Lisa says
Love it! Thanks!!
Hugs, Lisa
SharDon Exclusives says
Karen, yes I am working on Christmas already! Thank you for this sweet Santa card. It is always appreciated & I love your new background too.
Rosemary says
Merry Christmas!
Jane says
Hi Karen:
Love the Santa and you’re right…the vintage Santa postcards are getting harder and harder to find. I have a couple in my collection but nothing as cute as the one you posted…thanks!!
Shannon says
Your images are always wonderful. I recently downloaded one of your halloween items and made treat bags for my g’kids, they were so simple to do, love how they turned out…here they are…http://tinroofstudio21.blogspot.com/2009/10/brown-baggin-it.html
Thanks for sharing!
Gabriele says
Hi Karen,
I’d like to send you one thousand thank yous for your work! I love your blog and have been reading it for more than a year now.
Thank you so much for sharing,
PBsArtStudio says
Hi, thanks for visiting my blog and your nice comments! I’m so glad you did cuz i got to come over and see your awesome blog, I’m enthralled by it!
Dezinaworld says
Karen your photo’s are brilliant. thanks so much for sharing with us.
Hugs June x