16 Tulip Images
Today we have a lovely collection of Spring Tulip Images for you to use in your creative projects. Spring flowers always bring a smile to my face! This assortment has every type of picture you would want of this popular bloom. I hope you can use these images in your Vintage Craft, Decoupage, or Collage projects. They are nice for Spring Decorating Projects too!
Tulip Illustrations in Color
This is a nice old Victorian Scrap Paper Piece. This White Tulip image is so elegant! I love the bright green color of the Leaves too.
Here is the latest addition to this collection. What a gorgeous display this is! This one shows a lovely arrangement of flowers in a basket with a green satin bow.
Featured above is a lovely display of four cheery blossoms. This one was scanned from an Antique Kate Greenaway book. What a marvelous artist she was! These are bright and lovely with a Reddish Yellow tint to the flowers and soft green leaves.
Shown above are 2 beautiful Pink Spring blooms, with bright green leaves. I love the colors on this one, I think the deep blue background is very striking and really sets of the flowers!
Black and White Tulip Images
These lovely Floral Engravings are from an 1870’s Gardening Book! Specifically a chapter about Holland Bulbs. I’ve included the Chapter Title above. (If you enlarge it you’ll see how beautifully detailed it is.) The drawings are so intricately detailed with so much depth and dimension.
Here is a beautiful Vintage Tulip Image. I just love the frilly Pointed Petals on this one.
The Vintage Tulip flower featured above shows a beautiful specimen with Rounded Petals. The top edges of the petals are striped. Stunning!
Here we have another Vintage Tulip Image featuring Soft Pointed Petals. This image is just so lovely in its simplicity.
Vintage Tulip Illustrations
Above are two great looking Tulip Images from the same 1870’s Garden Book! These Stock Images are beautiful Engravings. I think they would look great colored in!
Isn’t this Vintage Elegant Striped Bloom Engraving spectacular? This drawing of a tall graceful striped flower is delightful. The flower is bent slightly to the right and the long tapered leaves are opening toward the bloom as if they are saying “Here is our beautiful flower.”
Botanical Tulip Print
Click HERE for the Full Size Printable of the 1810 Botanical Print
This is a really beautiful early Botanical Tulip print, circa 1810! The flower at the top is obviously a Tulip. I’m not sure about the second one. I’m offering this as a high resolution printable PDF so that you can print it right out and frame it!
I hope you enjoyed this lovely curated collection of Tulip Images! You might also like our Daffodil Images HERE our Best Flower Images HERE.
Irene says
Hi Karen,
I also love the newest to this collection – such pretty flowers in the basket and the green satin bow just gives that finishing touch! Thanks so much for sharing these with us and have a wonderful week ahead of you!
Karen Watson says
Thanks Irene! I hope you have a great week too!
Suzanne says
Is it possible to print multiple images on one page, like you have pictured on your feed? I am not tech savvy but would love to print them that way. Any help is appreciated.
Karen Watson says
Hi Suzanne, I use to Photoshop to do this. But I googled around and you can go here for another way to do it without Photoshop. I hope that helps!
Irene says
Hi Karen,
Oh my, I got so busy over the weekend but thank you for the reminder!!
All of these tulip images are absolutely breath taking! I love the black and white and coloured graphics.
I especially love the Victorian scrap white tulip – it is gorgeous!
Thank you so much for sharing all of these with us!!
Have a wonderful week!!
graphicsfairy says
I am so glad you like them Irene! Have a great week as well 🙂
Tracy Taylor says
So beautiful! Thank you for sharing!
graphicsfairy says
Thank you Tracy!
Linda says
Thank you so much.
Love them.
graphicsfairy says
So glad you like them Linda 🙂
MaxineD says
Love these Karen – Tulips are one of my favourite flowers. 🙂
Karen Watson says
Thanks ladies, it always makes my day to see your sweet comments!
Pat C. says
How stunning! I love b/w botanical engravings!!♥ Thank you, Karen.: ) xoxo
P.S. And you also posted two gorgeous petunia engravings from the same book on August 3 last year, and one of a gladiolus and a dahlia on February 14 last year!: )
Karen Watson says
Oh Pat, you are amazing!! You are a wealth of knowledge, you probably know better what I have here, then I do! haha
Covenant Lights by Dorothy says
Lovely, thank you!
Wende says
YES..Thank you for sharing.!!
Jana Harris says
These are just beautiful-thank you!
Cynthia Stevenson says
Oh, this is beautiful! Thank you!
Misty Morgan says
Thank you so much for sharing! I love them!