12+ Stained Glass Images
Today I am sharing an amazing collection of Vintage Stained Glass images! Featured here are some gorgeous Stained Glass Clipart Church Windows as well as some other beautiful types of windows . Included is an assortment of five colorful Gothic and Victorian window images. These pictures are great to use in your Holiday Crafts, Home Decor projects, Miniature work and more. I thought perhaps you could use them to make some little cardboard churches for your Christmas tree or vignettes! Wouldn’t it be fun to cut out the panes and replace them with vellum, so that you could shine your Christmas lights through them! I think these extraordinary graphics would be lovely on a Christmas Card, a Church Program, or fun to use in a Doll House!
Vintage Stained Glass Images
Our first set of colored Stained Glass images is absolutely exquisite. All of the antique window images in this section were scanned from a Circa 1903 Windows and Doors Catalog! You will find them below. Our first image is a beautiful Stained Glass Church Window Clip Art! It has beautiful colorful intricate Stained Glass Design. The pink and rose colors are spectacular and feature a yellow and black or dark blue border.
This is a beautiful Vintage Stained Glass Gothic Window Image. It has a beautiful Stained Glass interior with an intricate pink and aqua design.
This is a beautiful Vintage Stained Glass Church Window Image. The beautiful Stained Glass with an intricate Design has a dark border with greens and oranges.

Simple Stained Glass Images
This is a lovely Vintage Stained Glass Window Image! It features a beautiful Wooden Framed Window with an intricate Design done in Stained Glass. So beautiful!
Black and White Stained Glass Windows Clipart
These first three images below are classic Gothic Church Windows Clipart images, which first appeared in Europe during the High and Late Middle Ages! These were scanned from a Circa 1904 Victorian Stained Glass Catalog. I love the beautiful classic arched shape of these old Church Windows. The glass in these may or may have been stained.
Another slimmer and less elaborate Old Church Window image.
The final Gothic Glass Window Clip Art image is has a charming upper section that resembles a helmet to me. I love the lovely classic arched shape of these old Church Windows.
This Old Gothic Arch Window Architectural Drawing is a detailed illustration of an eye-catching window. It looks like it would be from a 15th Century European church facade. The interior section has ornate fretwork in a scroll and acanthus leaf pattern.
Shown here is a simple, but lovely Rosette type window. It has a round shape with flower petal like sections inside of it. Very nice!
Gothic Church Windows Clipart
This is a black and white or gray scale architectural drawing of a window with a Gothic Pointed Arch. There is scrolled fretwork, sometimes called curvilinear tracery, with a Fleur de Lis accent at top. I think it would work well in Harry Potter-esque type projects.
And lastly we have this Old Gothic Arch Window Architectural Drawing! This detailed drawing of a this Window looks like it would be from a 15th Century European church facade. The interior section has ornate fretwork in a scroll and acanthus leaf pattern. So fancy!
This is the latest addition to this collection. This next one is a Postcard with a Water Lily design that is made to look like glass. So pretty! I think it would be fun to take a metallic silver pen and trace over those silver lines to give it some extra sparkle!
I hope you enjoyed this curated collection of vintage Stained Glass Images. You might also like our Gothic Style Door Images HERE our Christmas Bird Images HERE!
Zeni says
When my eye caught that you were showing us 12 Vintage Stained Glass Images, I couldn’t open it fast enough! And let me tell you….they DO NOT disappoint. They are all beautiful and full of inspiration. Thank you for all the gorgeous images you have shared over the year…..I appreciate each and every one of them!!
Karen Watson says
Hi Zeni, thanks so much for your very kind comment! I’m glad you enjoyed these. I hope you can use them in your projects.
Paula Kelley says
Oh my goodness! These beauties took my breath away! Thank you so much for your generosity! I hope you and yours havre a lovely, blessed Christmas!
Karen Watson says
Thank you Paula! Hope you have a wonderful Christmas too!
Irene says
Hi Karen,
OMG – these colourful stained glass windows are fabulous! Can you imagine just having one window in your house done like this on a smaller scale? Or even two smaller ones on either side of a fireplace? Wow, these are gorgeous! Thank you so much for sharing these with us!
I can’t choose a favourite this time!! LOL!
Karen Watson says
Thank you Irene! When my kids were little I lived in my dream home, an 1880’s Victorian Queen Anne home with multiple stained glass windows! It was in a rural town in Pennsylvania. I loved that house and those windows so much and I would admire them every time I walked past them. Such works of art!
Maxine D says
This is amazing – thank you so much Karen
Karen Watson says
Thanks Maxine!
Angela says
Beautiful thank you
Marcie Rhys says
This is drop dead gorgeous! I have tried to save it (in its larger format), but that doesn’t seem to be possible, and I’m not having that problem with your other offerings. This really is one of the most beautiful images you’ve posted, and that’s really saying something, because I’ve seen everyone you’ve ever shared – lucky me.
Karen Watson says
Thanks Marcie! I just had a site redesign and things work a little different now. I just uploaded the image again. It is full size now, but it no longer has a larger preview window. Go ahead and save it and it will be larger on your computer.
Pauli Driver-Smith says
Good to know. I was having the same problem and was about to ask, when someone beat me to it. Love this, it is gorgeous!
TerriSue says
I can’t get it to enlarge. It is so beautiful I would love to have it larger.
Thank You
Karen Watson says
Hi Terri, I just had a site redesign and things work a little different now. I just uploaded the image again. It is full size now, but it no longer has a larger preview window. Go ahead and save it and it will be larger on your computer.
Peggy S says
Lovely, and different. Thank you!
Karen Watson says
Thanks Peggy!