How to Transfer an Image onto Furniture – Video Tutorial
Hello, my Graphics Fairy friends! My name is Candace and I blog over at Vintage News Junkie. I am a former news gal who traded in my Emmy Award for some good ‘ol junkin’ and a vintage find or two! Give me a paint brush and I’ll change the world! Ha ha! So, when Karen asked me to share how I transfer her vintage images onto furniture, I couldn’t wait to break out the lights, camera, and get this action started!!
So, check it out! I snagged this baby blue dresser at a yard sale for ten bucks! But boy, did it need some love! Crayon art across the front and hardware falling off! Whoever painted this piece last didn’t even bother taking the hardware off… so they were covered in blue paint! I decided there was no saving the hardware. It wasn’t that pretty anyway! So I gave her a fresh coat of paint and she was ready for her vintage tattoo!
I won’t bore you with the step-by-step tutorial of how to do this in words… besides Karen has a really great post here that explains several transfer techniques!
I just wanna get down and dirty and show you in real time… so break out your popcorn! (You’ll only have time for one of those mini bags!) Sit back, and learn how to transfer an image onto a piece of furniture… no fancy equipment needed!
How’s that for Saturday night entertainment.. ha ha!! Not really. But I do hope it helped you figure out how you can transfer images of your own onto furniture! I love that you don’t have to have a projector or any other fancy equipment to make this work!
And a little tip for buying chalk… sometimes it can be hard to find! I always load up during the summer. You can snag a big ‘ol box of sidewalk chalk (the big chunky kind) for a buck at most stores!!
Dark hardware always pops nicely with a black graphic! And in case you didn’t watch the video… I added a little something special inside the drawers too!!
You can see the complete makeover here, including how I painted this dresser and used antiquing glaze to add some character. And this isn’t my first rodeo with Karen’s graphics, in fact one of the very first pieces I did was a French Kitchen Table.
If you have any questions… I’d love to chat over on my blog, I’m here to help and I sure hope to see you over at Vintage News Junkie real soon!!
Until next time… Vintage News Junkie
Barbara Karr says
I’m just looking for ideas for a cabinet I am going to redo. I have wanted to do a French transfer ever sincee I saw the first one here on Pinterest. The reason I am looking is because I want to redo a double door cabinet. I never see any with transfers and I am wondering why. Do transfers not work well with double doors? Or do not look as good on doors as on drawers? Do I need to rethink my plans and go to something else? I really enjoyed this article and confident I can do a transfer. Thank you so much for the great photos! Barb
graphicsfairy says
Cabinet transfer projects are awesome Barbara! Here is a link to a search I did from the site, I hope you find some inspiration Good luck!
Den says
So as someone who does construction and paints for a living I got to ask. Are you painting over the chalk! That can’t be a good bond. I don’t see at all how that’s will last. I normally use a lot of prep to get particles off my surface before I paint.
graphicsfairy says
Hi Den,
No I am not painting over the chalk
Tracy Morrison says
awesome technique ; will definately apply this method the next time I makeover an old piece of furniture.
graphicsfairy says
Great Tracy, so glad you like it!
Denise Sipple says
I need your advise. I transferred graphics onto a painted table as in your video. I wanted to distress it and then use Annie Sloan wax. I tested an area with the clear wax and it smeared.. What do I do or what did I do wrong. Come to think about it.. This was a old table and I am not sure what type of paint. I don’t think it was chalk paint.
OH.. and thank you for your video. It was awesome and it was really easy for someone who can’t even draw a straight line.
Karen Watson says
Hi Denise, I always recommend that you try on a scrap piece of wood first, since paints, waxes and inks all vary, it’s the best way to find out what works for you with the products that you use. Also, you may want to try a spray sealer over top of the transfer, instead of the wax and see if that works better for you.
Shirley powers says
Can you use this technique on walls?
Karen Watson says
Yes, you could do that Shirley!
Linda says
OMG I love you right now. This is exactly what I’ve been looking for only never knew it existed. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Karen Watson says
You’re welcome Linda! Have fun transferring!
Brandy @ The Prudent Homemaker says
Thank you so much! I have done pencil but never thought to do chalk. I REALLY appreciate the poster site; I needed that!
Monica Frisby says
If you want to salvage or reuse hardware that has paint on it, “cook” it in a dedicated slow cooker (pick up one at a thrift shop/yard sale) with water on low heat for a few hours and the paint will literally fall off. I saw this on the Rehab Addict show on HGTV. The host did this with old door hinges covered in layers on interior paint. I haven’t tried it yet, but it’s got to be easier than stripping and cheaper than buying new hardware if you like the style and want to reuse/repurpose it.
Cynthia says
Yes! Yes! Yes! I needed something like this! I am going to be able to finish my special little box, instead of staring at it, in dread. Thank you, Candace! I’m on my way over to your blog!
Karen Watson says
Yes, go for it Cynthia! You can do it!!
Cale says
I have more esey way to transfer pictures on wood.Look on my blog and post:
GlendaC says
It would help if it was in English as well since you posted this on an English site.
Marsha says
Great tutorial! I’m an experienced crafter but new to painting furniture. What kind of paint pen do you use? (Not asking about brands so much as type of paint.) Thanks! I can’t wait to try this.
Karen Watson says
Marsha, the pens come in oil or latex, so you can decide which would work best for your project. If your painted piece is done with latex paint, I would probably stick with that for the pen as well. If you are working with a stained piece of furniture, then you might want to try the oil based pens. You can find the pens at Michael’s crafts or any big name craft store.
Marsha says
Thanks so much!
Heidi Woodruf says
Sweet project! Thanks for sharing your method for the transfer.
massage envy phoenix says
Excellent blog post. I definitely appreciate this website.
Stick with it!
victoria brussoni says
me two!!,excellent.