25 Bird on Branch Images
Are you a crafter that loves to find inspiration in the natural world? Then I think you will love this collection! I’ve gathered up all of my favorite Bird on Branch Images from my earlier posts to put together in one set here. I think you will agree there are some really charming Birds in this set. I hope you can find a few that you love and can use in your crafts and DIYs!
Birds on Branch Silhouettes
Displayed here is a fabulous vintage Silhouette Image of Birds on a Branch! This came from a Circa 1880’s antique Printer’s book. Cleaned up and enlarged to make it more useable because this image was so teeny tiny, I think the simple style of this one lends itself to contemporary design projects!
Click HERE for the Full Size Printable PDF of the Bird on Branches and Harp Silhouette
This is another Printable Transfer for you to use in your projects! This fabulous Bird and Lyre Silhouette comes from an 1883 book. No need to worry about the reverse with this one, as it can go in either direction. The printable is sized large so that you can use it for transferring onto Flour Sack Towels, or you can use it for pillows, tote bags, placemats or whatever you fancy!
Bird on Branch Pictures
Featured above is a beautiful Bird Picture with Blossoms! This pretty antique card shows a lovely colorful bird perched on a branch with some pink blossoms on it. The cute bird is quite colorful with his teal blue and chartreuse green feathers! Such a fine card!
Above is a marvelous Vintage Bird Clip Art Image! This antique card has a sweet bird perched on a branch with Oak leaves and acorns. The beautiful bird displays bright blue and yellow feathers! I think he’s extra special!!
Isn’t this lovely?! Sitting on a branch that’s loaded with bright red cherries, is a sweet brownish colored bird. This is actually a French New Years card. It reads, “Bonne Année” in a gorgeous blue script across the center.
Here’s a charming scene! There are 2 sweet creatures resting on a branch that is loaded with blooms. Apple blossoms perhaps? Behind is an ocean scene with a small sailboat.
Here is the latest addition to this collection. Here we have red bird perched on a stem with Berries. It looks like a perfect sunny day!
This one is a beautiful fall scene. Here our sweet feathered friend is perched on a tree with berries and autumn leaves!
I really love the pink and blue color combo on this one, so pretty!
Birds with Flowers Victorian Scrap
Here we have a pretty Victorian Scrap piece with a brightly colored bird resting on a violet wreath. The bird has vibrant colors of bright green and yellow with a dark head and spots of black on her back. Lovely!
This is a really lovely little Victorian Scrap piece! It shows a delightful little green and gold bird resting on a branch of bright pink Cherry blossoms!! It looks as if he might be chirping with opened beak. A spot on his his head is a deep, teal color as are some areas of his wings.
Pictured above is a perfect Spring Image! This is a darling blue, red, and yellow colored bird sitting on a branch that’s loaded with white blossoms. So pretty! Perhaps you could make a nice set of Note cards with this image!
Natural History Bird Illustrations
Shown above is a Gorgeous Antique Birds on Branch Image! There are two beautiful birds perched on a branch that appears to have cherries on it. This one is from a Circa 1870’s Natural History book. Make sure you enlarge it to see all of the incredible detail on this picture! A lovely bird for your Collage or Mixed Media Projects!
This is a Wonderful Vintage Starling Bird Image!! The lovely graphic above was scanned from an antique print. I believe the print came out of an old Children’s encyclopedia. This gorgeous fellow has beautifully detailed black feathers along with subtle blue and rust colors on his wings. Perched on a branch, he looks like he’s having a conversation with someone! I think this guy would work well in Halloween Projects!
Here is a Lovely Gray Bird Image! Shown above is a sweet little gray bird clinging to a branch. He seems like a happy little fellow! This one is from an antique Natural History book. Make sure you enlarge this to see all of the extraordinary detail! A lovely bird.
Displayed here is a beautiful Vintage Bird Image that’s from an 1890’s book. I’m told this is a Magpie. I think the gray and black coloring looks quite striking on him!
Here we have a Lovely Little Bird Picture! Shown above is a sweet little bird, with gold and black colored feathers, perched on an a little stick. His captivating colors blend together so beautifully, and I love the little spotted pattern on his head. So handsome! This one is from an antique Natural History book.
I hope you like this colorful bird. Wow! I don’t think I’ve ever seen a bird with such amazingly diverse colors and patterns! Shades of blue, green, brown, white, peach, etc. It looks like he found himself a little snack of a caterpillar.
This is a beautiful print of an attractive looking bird on a branch, and the art work is so nicely detailed. Nice muted brown and gray tones with golden chest feathers! This one is from Emily.
Here is a Stunning Bird Engraving!! Scanned from an antique print, I believe it is from an old Children’s encyclopedia. This gorgeous fellow has dark gray feathers with a white stripe on his tail! He’s perched on a tree branch, just so that we might admire him!
Here’s yet another Vintage Bird image for you! I never seem to get tired of these! He’s not particularly snazzy as far as his colors go, but I think his brown and blue gray feathers suit him!
Above is a beautiful old Woodpecker Image! Scanned from an antique print, I believe this one also came out of an old Children’s encyclopedia. This gorgeous fellow has black and white feathers with touches of vibrant red! Clawed to the side of a tree, he appears to be getting ready to dine on his next meal!
I might be cheating a bit here, since this one is a little stand, rather than a branch. Haha. The gorgeous antique Bird Image featured above is from a Circa 1901 book that shows the Children’s room at the Smithsonian! This beautiful ‘Tanager on a Stand’ was an exhibit in that room at the time. I think the mix of green and blue shades along with a patch of yellow-orange on this one are quite alluring!
Bird Album Page
Click HERE for the Full Size Printable PDF of the Antique Album Page
This is a gorgeous Antique Album page! I love the sepia tones on this one and the sweet engraved birds on the floral branches. I’ve created a full size Printable PDF of this for you. You could add a photo to the center and frame it up!
I hope you enjoyed this fun curated collection of Bird on Branch Images! You might also like our stunning, huge Best Bird Images HERE and our Collection of Nest Clipart Images HERE!
rkramadh says
Never too many birds for me and here I am visiting the oldie goldies to download
Thanks so much for these amazing freebies of birds for fussy cutting and overlaying on receipts or vintage documents etc.
Karen Watson says
Thanks Rupa! Have fun fussy cutting!
Irene says
Hi Karen,
I have picked up some more lovely images, including your latest one. Although we are in the heart of summer, the next season will coming on very quickly! Thank you for sharing these with us – they are all awesome!
Have a great day!
Karen Watson says
Yes, you are so right Irene. Fall will be here before we know it!
denise brady says
Thank you
Karen Watson says
You’re welcome Denise!
Loretta Houben says
Lovely, thanks so much! I enjoy the freebies in the weekly emails and I am enjoying the membership which I joined a few weeks ago. I’ve been using a few of the kits in something I’m working on for my own enjoyment. It really brightens up the week! Your graphics are very clear and easy to use and a great delight.
I clicked around and found the 31 Ballerina images in the Freebies, and I just love the children images! They match perfectly in a project I’m working on. Thank you!
Karen Watson says
Thank you for your sweet comment Loretta! I’m so glad you’re enjoying your Premium Membership with us and that you are finding things there, and here, for your projects!
Pat says
I printed off some envelopes to cut out. One had a pumpkin and green leaves…..one had daffodils. Where would I find these again? Not sure where to look but I just loved them!
Karen Watson says
Pat we have loads of envelopes on our Premium Membership site, did you download it from there?
Pat Schmidt says
Tweet tweet! Such beauties! Thank you soooo much!
Karen Watson says
You’re welcome Pat!
rere says
Thanks for sharing
Karen Watson says
txgrandma says
I love birds and silhouettes and so these are perfect. Love the colors, too!
Angela says
Wonderful piece of vintage clipart, thank you
Maxine D says
Thanks for these Karen
Brenda says
I love these!!! Thank you!
Stacey says
I’m a professional stamp designer/manufacturer, and I see a LOT of clip art in my daily work, and sometimes a piece comes along that I just fall in love with
Here is what I did with the silhouette design you posted today;
Thanks a bunch,
Misty Morgan says
So pretty! Thank you for sharing!