Sweater Wreath DIY
This is a tutorial for making a Sweater Wreath DIY style! I’m loving the Cable Knit trend that’s been so popular for the last couple of years. For some reason I seem to be cold most of the time, so I’m drawn to anything that looks warm and cozy! I was at Target the other day and saw an adorable Cable Knit Sweater Wreath and decided to try something similar. This is a fast and easy upcycle project and inexpensive too. You can use an old Sweater that you don’t wear anymore, or grab one at your local Thrift Shop if you don’t have one.

Supplies for Sweater Wreath DIY:
- Old Cable Knit Sweater in White, Red or Green
- Straw Wreath form
- Scissors
- Hot glue gun
- Pins
- Bow or other festive Embellishment
Step 1: I turned the sweater inside out, and cut the Sleeves off along the seam.
Step 2: Then I cut along the long seam of each Sleeve in order to open it them up to have 2 flat pieces of fabric to work with.
Step 3: Next I pinned the sleeves onto the Wreath Form. You may need to stretch them as you go. I had to readjust them, tug at them a bit and then repin, in order to get the 2 sleeves to meet up and cover the whole form.
Step 4: Once you have it pinned the way you like it, take your hot glue gun and glue down the edges, removing the pins as you go.
Here’s the back of the wreath. I had planned on gluing some white felt to the back, to cover up the seams, but it looked pretty neat, so I just left it alone.
I had planned on adding a Red Felt Bow, but I came across these adorable Poinsettias, at Michael’s Crafts and decided to use one of them instead. Isn’t it cute?!! It has little Buttons in the center, and white stitching along the Petals, so cute and crafty! Also, the Poinsettia had a little clip on the back of it, so I just clipped it right on. Easy! And I can change it out for different Seasons, so it’s super versatile too! You could even use items recycled from last year’s Christmas Wreath if you saved them.
This was such a fun project and I love the fact that I was able to recycle an old thrift store Sweater to make this! What do you think, do you like this trend? Have you made any decor pieces from an old Sweater? I hope you create your own Sweater Wreath DIY for your home.
Ira Morse says
Wow, what a gorgeous wreath you have here Karen! Thumbs up
Karen Watson says
Thanks Ira!!
Danni Baird @ Silo Hill Farm says
Karen I love this! It is quick and easy and yet simply stunning. I love a craft like that! Nice job!
Karen Watson says
Thank you Danni!!
Nancy says
Simple & elegant. Always a lasting classic look. Makes me think of Chanel, Katherine Hepburn, etc. And other classic & classy lasting elegant beauties
Karen Watson says
What a lovely comment Nancy! Thank you so much!
Wee Von says
What a cute idea! Looks beautiful hanging on the door!
Karen Watson says
Thank you Wee Von!
Donna OShaughnessy says
I love to pick up real aran sweaters in Ireland at their thrift shops for a few euro and hen bring them home to cover old pillows. I get a souvenir from my trip and a cuddly place for my head
Karen Watson says
That sounds so lovely Donna!
Michelle @ The True Book Addict says
This is beyond awesome! I’m definitely going to give this one a try. Thanks!
Karen Watson says
Thanks Michelle! It was super fun to make, I hope you have fun with it!
Nancy says
Love it!! I have to try this one..Thanks!
Karen Watson says
Thanks Nancy!
Kathryn J Cain says
thanks for great Tut…yeap need to make one….and the steam punk glasses thanks…if I can get my computer working again…having troubles printing some of your stuff…and I used to never have probs…sure it is my end…I have a old train case in sad sorry left to pass on…but I will do a make over and she will be great for her next run to stick around a little longer…
Karen Watson says
I love old train cases, have fun making it over! Also, you may want to try updating your browser Kathryn and see if that helps with your printing problems.
shaggysheephome says
Love love. So many great things you can do know with old sweaters. Thrift stores should be happy because people are staring to buy sweaters.
Karen Watson says
Yes, you are right there are so many things you can do! I’m going to have fun using up the rest of the fabric on other projects!