9 Old Photos – Spooky-ish
Today we have an unusual and oh-so-interesting collection of Old Photos. Many of our crafters enjoy using these old photos in projects or junk journals, and this time of year they can be particularly popular for Halloween as well. We try our best to support our crafters, collage and mixed media artists, and junk journal artists as well, by providing you guys with the types of images that you like to work with. Having said that, I know there are a few people who don’t care for this practice at all. Please know that we certainly don’t wish to hurt anyone’s feelings by posting these. We hope that you will skip over this post, if you don’t care for it, and take a look at one of our thousands of other posts that may be more to your liking.
Spooky Ghost Photos
Here we have a spooky ghost photo! In this scene we see a man and a woman with a ghost lady floating above them. These types of photos were occasionally done in Victorian times, but they are extremely hard to find and are very expensive when you do find them! So rather than break the bank, I decided to just create my own, so this one is not authentic at all. It’s a bit of graphics design fun that I thought you guys might enjoy! It’s the same with the one below this one.
And here is the second newly created “Victorian Ghost Photo”. Spooky!
Old Photos – Spooky-ish
Here we have some very stern looking little girls. They are dressed in dark clothing. The serious expressions on their faces and clothing just have a scary appearance I suppose. Plus, there is someone photo bombing them behind the curtain on the door. Don’t they look much older than they are?
This is another version of that same photo, that I altered many years ago. It was quite popular when I posted it back then. I hope you enjoy it!
Pictured above is an Antique Cabinet card of two Victorian children who are most likely sisters. I love that lace collar on the girl to the right along with the furry rug on the floor!
Vintage Photo Child With Horse
This little girl has large and intense looking eyes is standing next to what I believe is a Wooden pony. The spotted wear on the photo, just above the horse, makes it look rather haunted.
Spooky-ish Boy Image
This is a darling vintage photo of a little boy all dressed up in his finest clothing and looking awfully cranky!! I love the big checkered bow all askew. I think that he looks as if he needs a wizard hat on his head!
Old Fashioned Photos with Ladies
Okay, first off let me start this post by saying if this happens to be your Great Great Grandma, I do humbly apologize! This is an old Cabinet card photo that I found a while back. I thought this would work really well for Halloween since this poor Woman has such a severe hairdo and dress. It all makes her look rather spooky to me. I didn’t do much clean up on this one because I actually liked the little dog- eared corner and the stains. I thought this old photo of a sour faced woman (no offense, I’m sure she was a lovely person) could be a good starting point for a Witch collage.
Here is the latest addition to this collection. In this one it’s not the lady so much that’s spooky, but more the strange way that chandelier is hanging behind her!
I hope you enjoyed this fun curated collection of Old Photos! You might also like our Best Halloween Images HERE and our Haunted House Images HERE.
Irene says
Hi Karen,
I’m back for more and they are very eerie looking! None of them are happy. LOL! And the kids look so much older than they probably are. But these all fit the bill – all SPOOOOKY! LOL!
Thanks so much for sharing these with us!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Karen Watson says
Yes, they are spooky Irene! Hope you have a great weekend too!
Irene says
Hi Karen,
I had to revisit and snag the latest to this collection. And again, I don’t think anyone liked their pictures taken. The expressions on most of them would scare anyone even on a good day. LOL! But I love these old photos and thank you for sharing these with us!
Have a wonderful week ahead of you!
Karen Watson says
Thank you Irene, I hope you have a great week too!
Irene says
Hi Karen,
I just love it when you post real photos – Wow, they all look so cranky and miserable. LOL! But I still love this collectiion! They are awesome and yes, those girls look so much older than they really are – they have that spinster look about them. LOL! Have a wonderful week! Thanks again!
Karen Watson says
Thank you Irene! I think I would be cranky too if I had to sit for that long and not move at all.
I’m glad you enjoyed them. Hope you have a great week too!